10 Best Cybersecurity Youtube Channels of 2023

Cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for individuals and organizations alike. With cyber threats evolving rapidly, staying informed about the latest trends and best practices is crucial for safeguarding our online presence. YouTube has emerged as a valuable platform for cybersecurity enthusiasts, professionals, and novices seeking to enhance their knowledge. In this blog, we will explore some of the best cybersecurity YouTube channels of 2023. Why is Cyber Awareness Important?  Being cyber-aware means understanding the potential risks and dangers that come with using technology and being online. Its like having street smarts for the internet. Just as youd be cautious in a new neighborhood, you should be mindful when clicking on links in emails, sharing personal info, or downloading stuff from the internet. Being cyber-aware doesnt mean you need to be a tech genius. Its about developing good habits and taking simple steps to protect yourself. Like using strong and unique passwords, not oversharing on social media, and being cautious about opening emails from unknown sources. Given below is a comprehensive list of some of the best cybersecurity channels on YouTube that can help novices as well as experts stay aware, and amp up their cybersecurity skills in no time!   What are the Best Cybersecurity YouTube Channels? 1. PowerDMARC: Defending Against Email Spoofing and Phishing PowerDMARC is an industry-leading provider of email authentication solutions that automates a user’s DMARC implementation journey, renowned for its expertise in combating email spoofing and phishing attacks. Their YouTube channel has garnered widespread acclaim for providing insightful content on email security, DMARC, and other vital cybersecurity topics. From informative tutorials to awareness on fraud tactics, PowerDMARCs cybersecurity YouTube channel offers diverse content to empower users to protect their email domains effectively. Key Features of PowerDMARCs Cybersecurity YouTube Channel: DMARC Explained: PowerDMARCs cybersecurity YouTube channel simplifies the complexities of DMARC authentication, helping viewers understand how it can prevent domain abuse and improve email deliverability. Email Authentication Implementation Guides: PowerDMARC’s youtube channel takes you through the steps involved in getting started on your authentication journey without making it complex or overly technical. It takes you through the steps to implement DMARC, SPF, DKIM, MTA-STS, TLS-RPT, and BIMI for your domains.  Customer Guidelines: Their cybersecurity youtube channel is also extremely useful for customers and end users who are already using the PowerDMARC platform to better understand the navigation, setup, and management of their hosted protocols.  Cyber attack awareness: Cybersecurity awareness is one of the key topics covered on the PowerDMARC cybersecurity YouTube channel. From explaining BEC, spoofing, phishing, CEO fraud, ransomware, etc, to discussing preventive and protective measures, you can expect to get information on everything related to email security here!  2. MalwareTech: Unraveling Malware and Cyber Threats MalwareTech is a highly regarded YouTube channel that delves deep into the world of malware analysis, cybersecurity research, and threat intelligence. With a hands-on approach, the channels creator Marcus Hutchins unravels the inner workings of various malware strains, aiding viewers in understanding the techniques used by cybercriminals. This knowledge equips individuals with the skills to defend against emerging threats effectively. 3. NetworkChuck: Exploring Cybersecurity in Laymans Terms NetworkChucks YouTube channel focuses on simplifying complex cybersecurity concepts for beginners and non-technical audiences. The creator uses engaging visuals and easy-to-understand explanations to cover a wide array of cybersecurity topics, making it an invaluable resource for those new to the field. 4. Thycotic: Enhancing Privileged Account Security Thycotics YouTube channel specializes in privileged account security and password management. It offers valuable insights on safeguarding critical assets and protecting against insider threats, helping organizations bolster their cybersecurity posture. 5. The Cyber Mentor: Ethical Hacking and Pentesting Made Simple The Cyber Mentor is a popular YouTube channel focused on ethical hacking, penetration testing, and cybersecurity tutorials. The channels creator, Heath Adams, provides step-by-step demonstrations of various cybersecurity tools and techniques. With a strong focus on practical skills, The Cyber Mentor is an excellent resource for individuals looking to develop hands-on experience in the field of cybersecurity. 6. Hak5: Cybersecurity Made Easy Hak5 is a well-known cybersecurity and technology-focused YouTube channel. The channel covers a wide range of topics, including hacking, cybersecurity tools, privacy, and tech gadgets. The team at Hak5 explores cutting-edge technologies, reviews hardware and software, and offers tutorials on cybersecurity tools. Their content is entertaining and informative, making complex cybersecurity concepts accessible to a broader audience. 7. John Hammond: Solving Complex Security Problems in Real-time John Hammonds YouTube channel is dedicated to cybersecurity competitions, Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges and practical hacking tutorials. Johns enthusiasm and passion for cybersecurity shine through his engaging content. Viewers can learn new hacking techniques, understand cybersecurity challenges, and follow along with John as he solves complex problems in real time. 8. LiveOverflow: A Hacking Enthusiast Taking On Various IT Security Topics LiveOverflow specializes in reverse engineering, binary exploitation, and vulnerability analysis. The channels creator provides detailed walkthroughs of various challenges, demonstrating practical applications of cybersecurity concepts. This cybersecurity YouTube channel is an invaluable resource for individuals looking to enhance their technical skills. It specializes in reverse engineering, binary exploitation, and vulnerability analysis. It provides detailed walkthroughs of challenges and CTFs to help viewers deepen their understanding of cybersecurity concepts. 9. IppSec: Walkthroughs of CTF Challenges and Hack The Box Machines IppSec focuses on walkthroughs of Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges and Hack The Box machines. The channels creator meticulously explains the process of identifying vulnerabilities, exploiting them, and escalating privileges in various CTF scenarios. This channel is a goldmine for those looking to improve their penetration testing and ethical hacking skills. 10. Security Weekly: Discussions and Interviews on Various Security Topics Security Weekly is a well-established cybersecurity podcast with a YouTube channel featuring insightful discussions and interviews on various security topics. The channel covers news, vulnerabilities, tools, and expert insights, making it an excellent resource for staying updated on the latest trends and developments in cybersecurity. To Summarize The cybersecurity landscape of 2023 is rife with challenges, threats, and opportunities for individuals and organizations alike. The YouTube channels mentioned in this compilation stand as valuable beacons of knowledge and expertise, helping viewers navigate the complexities of cybersecurity and stay ahead of emerging threats. To protect your domain names from email-based cyberattacks, fraud, and impersonation, take a 15-day free trial of our DMARC analyzer today!

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