18. Kultur- und Museumsnacht Germersheim

Dancing workshops, model trains, learning how to do origami, seeing a catwalk, going on a tour of the fortress, watching a play, discovering the roads of Germany, looking at amazing pieces of art, listening to a reading, or admiring projections of what Germersheim used to look like when you read about all these things that you could have done at the Long Night of Museums on 9th November you might feel like you have missed out on something. So did we. Sadly, there were not enough hours in the night to see everything that Germersheim had to offer on this special evening. However, we were lucky to have had the opportunity to see many wonderful things for free. We started off at the town centre, more precisely at the church of St Jakobus, where we listened to some beautiful hymns sung by the church choirs of St. Jakobus Germersheim and St. Martinus Lingenfeld. The atmosphere was peaceful, and we were happily lost in the moment. We left the church via the front entrance where we were greeted by two majestic horses pulling a fancy carriage. We decided to jump on and take a ride through town. Although it was cold, the journey was pleasant, and we waved at some passers-by, which made us feel as if we were the Queen of England. Our ride ended in front of Germersheims famous Weienburger Tor. As we were walking through the gate, we witnessed a Polka band. Once on the other side, we saw a big crowd surrounding a marquee. As we drew closer, we could hear hand clapping and finger snapping - someone was dancing flamenco! We decided to get a drink to warm us up. Glhwein was just what we needed on this cold November night. From there we walked through the winding streets of Germersheim to the Ludwigstor where we were welcomed by medieval music and an entertaining fire-show. We sat and enjoyed the adrenalin filled spectacle until it was time to head to the music school for the highlight of the evening: Walk-dont walk, a musical tour through the fortress. Our guide led us through the labyrinth of tunnels and catacombs under the old fortress ramparts to various areas where we were welcomed by teachers of the music school who gave us some exclusive concerts. The first one was a spontaneous performance by a duo playing electric keyboard and drums. The second one was a more relaxing classical rendition of songs performed with two flutes and an oboe. The third one was a haunting performance by two men playing double bass and saxophone. It reminded us of a horror movie, which was apt given the scary location. Finally, we were blown away by an impressive singer who was accompanied by a pianist. She mesmerized us with her incredible vocal range and comedy. From there it was just a quick walk to the concert hall of the music school. We found some seats and watched the band Simply Three perform a variety of rock songs. This was the last thing we did, as this wonderful night came to a close at the stroke of one oclock. Considering how much we saw and how much more we could have seen that night, it was not surprising that the whole town of Germersheim seemed to be out. If you, however, did not get the chance to be there this time, you could try to go there next year. You might see us on our mission to experience all the things we missed out on this year. Johanna & Leigh //

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