Activation and Visualisation Options in Live-Online Classrooms with ZOOM (Live-Online Training)

Live-online courses designed with ZOOM offer a wide range of possibilities to convey content and knowledge as well as to promote active learning of the participants. In this short online workshop you will get an insight into activation and design possibilities of virtual courses and how they can be implemented with ZOOM. The phases of a course serve us as a structuring framework for this. You will experience at least one activating method per phase. Only if you can put yourself in the position of the learner, the advantages of an activating method will become apparent and you will also experience where the limits are. Participant-oriented conversations also contribute to activation. We will discuss aspects of this with regard to formulating tasks and implementing the methods. The feeling of being socially integrated is a high motivational aspect for the participants of an online course, which promotes learning and should therefore also be a priority for the teachers. Learning Outcomes: After the live-online training, the participants can: select and instruct activating methods according to the phases of a course.reflect on the benefits of activating methods as well as the possibilities for variation.present starting points for participant-oriented discussion. Duration: 1 day

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