Alabaster Trace

Yellow Wing My exhibition Alabasterspur can be seen at the Museum Haus der Stadtgeschichte Offenbach until 2 June 2024. Alabaster trace refers to the process of constantly "striking new sparks" from the processing of a copper printing plate. Dr Stefan Soltek wishes the visitors a very discovering way through the exhibition, “because we are delighted by this richness”. Austellungsfoto Simon Malz ,,Dial, variations of an etching From 20 January to 31 March 2024, the exhibition "A Radical Alteration: Women’s Studio Workshop as a Sustainable Model for Art Making”will run in San Francisco at the Center for the Book, curated by Maymanah Farhat. My artist's book The Angel is my Watermark  is one of 28 positions in the book art exhibition, which will then travel through the USA. A full-color catalog of the exhibition will be available in March 2024.From 21 to 24 March 2024, I will be exhibiting at the stand of the 33. IAKH at the Leipzig Book Fair. In keeping with tradition, the 10th Artist's Book Triennial Vilnius with my artist's book „Blues“ will start again in Leipzig at this stand, before making a guest appearance in Venice, being celebrated in three institutions in Vilnius and moving on to the USA in 2025 at The Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland and Reed Library of the State University of New York at Fredonia.   The international jury decided to award Honourable Mentions to five artists selected for the 10th International Triennale of Artists’ Books Vilnius 2024. Turnthepage Norwich UK publishes an Anthology for their 10th anniversary this year with my contribution “Papier Matière”.5.-7. April 2024 Letterpress art Hamburg  26.-28. April 2024 Book Art Trier

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Der Beitrag ELEMENTALS TRACE Se erschien zuerst auf Fauna Marin.

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Der Beitrag ELEMENTALS TRACE Rb erschien zuerst auf Fauna Marin.

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Der Beitrag ELEMENTALS TRACE S erschien zuerst auf Fauna Marin.

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Tracing Iron

Tracing Iron  Newly funded Research Unit FerrOs studies effects of iron metabolism on bone and liver health. Professor Martina Rauner and associates receive 4.5 million Euros for DFG Research Group. Dresden, 16.10.2020 The trace element iron is essen

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Schulung: Web-Benutzeroberflächentests (UI-Tests/Web-Tests) und Komponententests mit Playwright

Optional: Vermittlung der notwendigen Grundkenntnisse in JavaScript/TypeScript/node.js, .NET/C#, Java oder Python berblick ber Playwright - Architektur und Funktionen von Playwright - Optional: Vergleich mit Selenium, Cypress, Testcafe u.a. Testwerk

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