Am Verhandlungstisch nicht ohne Negotiation-Table …

Der Beitrag Am Verhandlungstisch nicht ohne Negotiation-Table … erschien zuerst auf Verhandlungs-Blog. Zum ganzen Artikel Der Beitrag Am Verhandlungstisch nicht ohne Negotiation-Table … erschien zuerst auf ADVICE PARTNERS.

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Why I had to update my mental model of DynamoDB streams

In a recent training I learned something about DynamoDB streams that surprised me. I had expected that any PutItem, UpdateItem or DeleteItem API call would cause a record to appear in the stream of my table, but that’s not the case. The stream works

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Streamline Security Group Maintenance in Terraform with Markdown Tables

Managing security groups and their rules in AWS infrastructure can become cumbersome and error-prone as your environment grows. In this blog post, I introduce a Terraform solution that simplifies this process by using a Markdown table to define security g

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Teaching boto3 to store floats and datetime objects in DynamoDB

In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can teach the DynamoDB Table resource in boto3 (and the client) to store and retrieve Python’s datetime and float objects, which they can’t do natively. We’ll also discuss why you should or

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Glue Crawlers dont correctly recognize Ion data - heres how you fix that

Amazon Ion is one of the data serialization formats you can use when exporting data from DynamoDB to S3. Recently, I tried to select data from one of these exports with Athena after using a Glue Crawler to create the schema and table. It didn’t work

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