AMBrosia by Ambinter Divine Access to Billions of Compounds

Experience the divine flavor of almost infinite drug-like compounds with the new Chemical Space AMBrosia. This ultra-large compound molecule collection has been created in close collaboration with Ambinter (a brand of Greenpharma). It is based on unique in-house building blocks and chemical reactions, leading to a stunning amount of 110,496,278,572 compounds with favorable physicochemical properties for early stages of drug discovery. Furthermore, all AMBrosia entries can be ordered directly from Ambinter to be synthesized and delivered straight to you. Greenpharma is an European supplier of R&D solutions founded in 2000. Located in France, Greenpharma is an attractive partner for global pharma companies, offering strong expertise and innovative approaches reflected in high quality and purity of the delivered products. The first iteration of AMBrosia is based on 53.694 in-house building blocks and 32 cherry-picked chemical reactions to ensure high success rates and quick syntheses of requested compounds. As a make-on-demand Chemical Space, AMBrosia offers you tangible and relevant molecules, synthesized upon request and at reasonable pricing. Examples of results retrieved from the AMBrosia Chemical Space using BioSolveIT tools and the kinase inhibitor Cabozantinib as query. A major feature of AMBrosias content is the diversity of recurring motifs and the presence of unique scaffolds. The content is therefore of high relevance to a variety of drug discovery challenges and project goals, including kinase inhibition, covalent binding, bioisosters and many more. The sheer volume allows to cherry-pick the best candidates from almost infinite possibilities for a follow-up. Search examples of a molecule with a covalent warhead. The combinatorial nature of AMBrosia will lead to a plethora of salient compounds that open the doors to another level of Chemical Space exploration around a compound of interest. You can download AMBrosia following this link. AMBrosia can be screened exclusively with BioSolveIT applications; run them on standard hardware: infiniSee (Chemical Space navigation platform with sophisticated GUI) FTrees (fuzzy pharmacophore search) SpaceLight (fingerprint/Tanimoto similarity) SpaceMACS (substructure matching)

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