Arvo Pärt Stabat mater und Instrumentalwerke Mitwirkende Chor des Bayerischen RundfunksFlorian Benfer, Choreinstudierung Münchner RundfunkorchesterStanko Madić, Violine Ivan Repušić, Leitung September 2021BR-KLASSIK CD 900335 Rezensionen: »Für den mystischen Minimalismus von Arvo Pärt braucht es Spannkraft, Sensibilität, Stilgespür.​ Ivan Repušić gelingt dies mit seinen... Der Beitrag ARVO PÄRT: STABAT MATER UND INSTRUMENTALWERKE erschien zuerst auf KÜNSTLERAGENTUR SEIFERT.

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CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 2b - Unit, Integration and Application Test for Serverless Lambda Functions

After describing the context of the test pyramid for Infrastructure as Code in part 1, and the Web Application in Part 2a - let`s apply that to some Lambda function.

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Safe Storage - CloudHSM and FSx for NetApp ONTAP (Part 2)

In the first part of this blog, we looked into the complexities of provisioning and initializing CloudHSM clusters. To make our safe storage solution functional, we still need more steps: Activation and Connection.

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GO-ing to production with Bedrock RAG Part 1

The way from a cool POC (proof of concept), like a walk in monets garden, to a production-ready application for an RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) application with Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Kendra is paved with some work. Let`s get our hands dirty. W

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Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2

When discussing high performant real-time event streaming, Apache Kafka is a tool that immediately comes to mind. Optimized for ingesting and transforming real-time streaming data in a reliable and scalable manner, a great number of companies today rely o

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Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1

When discussing high performant real-time event streaming, Apache Kafka is a tool that immediately comes to mind. Optimized for ingesting and transforming real-time streaming data in a reliable and scalable manner, a great number of companies today rely o

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