Ashtanga Workshop with Susanna Finocchi

I am happy to welcome Susanna Finocchi for a third time at Ashtanga Yoga Mitte Cologne in November 2023 for an ashtanga yoga workshop. I know Susanna for many years from Mysore and i am happy to have her again in my shala in Cologne. I am sure you will enjoy the Workshop! Susannas Workshops are a beautiful mixture of Ashtanga, Chanting, Philosophy, Asanas & the best: a great knowledge & experience. Susanna started practicing Ashtanga Yoga in 1993 and has thus practiced more than 25 years – 23 of them also teaching. She is together withJens the founder of Astanga Yoga of Copenhagen and was the main teacher of the shala on Vesterbrogade teaching hundreds of students for almost 18 years. In her shala in Copenhagen she has hosted in 2006 Guruji, Sri K.Pattabhi Jois together with his daughter Saraswathi and his grandson R.Sharath Jois; in 2009 she has had the honor to host for 6 times, her teacher Sharathji, R.Sharath Jois.She made her first trips to Mysore in 1995 and ’96 returning yearly since 2003 to KPJAYI, now Sharath Yoga Centre She was as a senior teacher invited to Sharathji’s special courses for teachers in 2009 and 2014 also having the honor to assist Sharathji in the shala in 2019. Susanna has studied sanskrit at the University of Copenhagen which she also together with chanting and indian philosophy studies when in Mysore.Susanna now lives in Rome and teaches the Ashtanga Yoga method travelling in Italy and Europe. More infos about Susanna Everybody who practices at least half primary is very welcome! Ashtanga Yoga Workshop SCHEDULE: Workshop Schedule 2023:Saturday Nov 18th:08:00- 10:00 Mysore10:00-10:30 Chanting- SHANTI Mantra chants and Japa12:30-13:45 Yoga theory The Gita and some other relevant definitions of Yoga .Brief introduction to the Gita and to the verses in different chapters which are helpful to understand Yoga in a broader way.14:00-15:00 Yoga AsanaJump through and jump back.It is always good to have a look at those dynamic parts of the practice and getting into the flow15:00 16:00 Question & Ask and some extra ChantingAfter: Indian dinner together with Susanna Sunday Nov 19th8:00-10:00 Mysore10:00-10:30 Chanting: SHANTI Mantra chants and Japa little breakfast in the shala 12:30-13:45 Yoga theoryBhakti Yoga is one of three ways to cultivate Yoga says the Gita, together with Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga. Are these really separate and can we find a connection to Ishvarapranidhana as described in the Kriya Yoga of Patanjali? tea break-14:00-15:00 Yoga asanaWorking on back bending has a lot to do with how to move the weight of the body having a strong connection with the mula bandha and the use of the strength in the legs. Some asana are also very helpful in getting this work done.15:00 15:30 Chanting Price:Full Workshop: 240.- / students of aym 220.- / Flatrateler 200.- RegistratIon: via Email and payment you can reserve your spot Cancellation fee:If you cancel your booking up to 30 september 2023 the course fee minus 50.- can be refunded. When cancelling later no refund will be paid. If the Workshop has to be cancelled from our side we will defintly pay you back the Workshop fee. For travel costs (train, flight, hotels etc.) we cant take responsibilty. The post Ashtanga Workshop with Susanna Finocchi appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga Mitte.

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