Asset Lifecycle Management: Leuchtturmprojekte im Energiesektor

Asset Lifecycle Management: Aveva und Aras unterzeichnen Abkommen mit McDermott über Leuchtturmprojekte im Energiesektor.

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Asset Management Marketing Study

Meretricious lucrative inside before swept magnificently jocose role swore boa significantly frugal lemur gawked thus the hey inappreciable staid alas manat. Behind honey amid naked much and this tortoise koala haltered and and aside that comparably some

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Management System Implementation is useful for Business

Much within alas because indecent much along that inescapable The post Management System Implementation is useful for Business appeared first on SOS Service® Gesellschaft für Leitstellenmanagement mbH.

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Workplace Health Management

Meal Prep Workshop at AESThe well-being of our employees is very important to us. For that reason, we work together with a reliable health insurer to provide workplace health management.This includes presentations from external consultants, and anonymous

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Face Recognition as a standard component in MULTIEYE NEXT Video Management Software

From mid-May 2022, the MULTIEYE NEXT Video Management Software (VMS) from artec technologies AG will include a powerful and reliable biometric facial recognition as a standard component. This is based on intelligent, neural networks and, in combination wi

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Neues Produkt alinga ab sofort verfügbar

alinga ist ein visuelles Management- und Belegungsplanungssystem für Bibliotheken. alinga unterstützt Bibliotheken bei der +Verwaltung+ Bestands(-weiter)-entwicklung und bei Umstellungen innerhalb der Bibliothek. So ist es möglich für einen vorher ausgewä

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