AWS Access Management uncovered: Where do all those 403s come from?

In this blog post, I would like to show you the various types of AWS permission management capabilities to generate a better understanding, where access denied API errors (403) may arise from and what ample options there are to grant permissions. One should be familiar with IAM policies to get the most out of the blog.

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AWS Client VPN - Access your Virtual Private Cloud

One of the most unknown options to access a VPC is Client VPN. Nearly all customers I am talking to are using a Bastion Host or similar to access services within their VPC. But what about direct access without any jumps in between? After reading this blog

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Managed Services der nächsten Generation

Was ist sind Managed Services der nächsten Generation? Die Cloud-Technologie verändert die traditionellen IT-Modelle auf verschiedene Weise - von der IT-Infrastruktur bis zur Entwicklungsmethode - und hat sogar Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmenskultur. Die

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Out-of-Band Bootstrapping with Chef on AWS Systems Manager

A modern architecture avoids opening any SSH or WinRM/RDP ports to minimize the attack surface of your systems. Instead, management connections like the AWS SSM Agent should be implemented. But some tools, especially in the configuration management sector

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Using AWS mac1/mac2 Instances with Test Kitchen

Everybody who had to write software or work with configuration management for Apple knows of the problems to get access to test machines. AWS does offer both Intel- and M1-based Mac instances now and with kitchen-ec2 v3.15.0 it is finally possible to use

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Verbesserte Speicherprozesse im Direct Access Modus

Unsere DriveOnWeb-App für Windows ist jetzt besser denn je! Speichern Sie umfangreiche und komplexe Dateien via Direct Access Modus im PDF-, CAD-, PSD-, ID- sowie vielen weiteren gängigen Dateiformaten direkt in DriveOnWeb. Darüber hinaus haben wir die Pe

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