Bennet, Pride Before The Fall

Bennet, Pride Before The Fall Love, Austen #3 COMING JUNE 30th! Days Hours "Bennet, Pride Before The Fall" explores what happens when prejudice and snap judgements collide with attraction. ~ ~ ~“I want someone to want me for who I am. No changing my appearance or philosophies or principles. I need a partner to be proud of me—in public and beyond—and proud of themselves.”“Think you’ll find it?”  Bennet had always dreamed of love. Of finding his Mr. Right.Hell, he’d even settle for Mr. Righteous.Who he won’t fall for, not ever? Mr. Downright Pride-less.  It’s Pride and Prejudice, complete with scumbaggery, anguished declaration of desire, meddling villagers, Karaoke, Scrabble, and Pride.  Get it now on Amazon Add to Goodreads Reviews I absolutely LOVED Anyta Sundays latest release, Leo Loves Aries. It was full of snark, humor and loads of banter, which was right up my alley. Todd My Fiction Nook (4.5/5 stars).This book has it all: best friends to lovers, Quotes of the Day, a red JLM shirt, a well-intentioned but completely clueless MC, and Theo learning that you can feel emotions during sex. Gaybook Reviews (4.5/5 stars)This was a very cute “friends to lovers” story, that was low on angst and high on the “feel good” moments. Wendy Dirty Books Obsession (4/5 stars)I loved their protectiveness and their jealousy. I loved their quirky games and constant challenges. I found the secondary cast to be extremely strong and solid. I just loved it. Book Unfunk  Awards Rainbow Awards 2017Runner Up for Best Gay BookRunner Up for Best Contemporary Gay Romance More from the "Love, Austen" Series Previous Next Illustrations: Lauren DombrowskiTypograpy: Natasha Snow The post Bennet, Pride Before The Fall appeared first on Anyta Sunday - Schwule Romane zum Verlieben.

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