Best of Video Collection for sceptic Truth Seekers Make your own mind

Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.  Mark Twain Dear sceptic Truth Seeker, thank you for being open for this type of not easy information. But I can promise you, if you stay open, and just fill in the blanks, and activate your mind, you will realize, that we are lied to in every area, where we have to believe some scientists. The first rule is easy: Dont believe anything, as long you cannot understand it and have to believe the official narrative spread by TV, Newspaper, Google, Youtube ect. If the majority of the world believes some non-understandable facts, then it is most probably a lie. The second rule is also easy: Just dont do or act or think what they want from you. Just dont consent, dont do it. So easy. I am just the messenger for the following collection of the best videos online, from my point of view. Make your own point of view, understand these important areas of live. You know them already, but you just need to unlearn the lies, they put in our heads. And that is possible, but the whole process can take up to 2 years. Just led it flow, only the following videos and the channels of those video-producers are enough. Dont get caught by the many many videos in these areas, which try to discredit the real information by some disinformation videos produced by some stupid agents or workers who produce the many disinformation videos. So enjoy  the following drastically different world views, which changed my life very much. Keep an open mind, you will understand everything, as there are enough proofs. First the actually most actual and best documentary from Hibbeler Productions, english and bad spanish dubbing : The Next Level (2022) The Next Level (2022) by Hibbeler Productions El Siguiente Nivel (2022) de Hibbeler Productions Highres Photo: Official NASA Moon Lander 1969 More pics on google, to maximize picture, klick on the picture please LAST Takeoff from the Moon in 1972: Apollo 17s Lunar Module blastoff! How could Housten operate the camera and sent it to 384400 km far away earth, in 1972?? Episode 1 Für alle sichtbar verborgen VGFE (1 von 7) Chnopfloch- by Chnopfloch, > komplette Playlist 1-7 Episode 2 Ein Blick in die Vergangenheit VGFE (2 von 7) by Chnopfloch, > komplette Playlist 1-7 LEVEL (2021) | First Flat Earth Documentary | Hibbeler Productions Elite Full Throttle Part 16 | by Waykiwayki Odysee Channel A Strangers Guide to Globe earth lies | 21 Questions and Answers (Proving the earth is not a globe) by ODD Reality NASA Fails Again & Again | Space is Fake | Glitch on the ISS by ODD Reality waykiwayki Freiburg undercover 1: The Famous Astrophysicist | by Waykiwayki Odysee Channel Cosmology Advanced waykiwayki goes Vedic. Part 1 of 3 2016 | by Waykiwayki Odysee Channel Level (2021)/h3> EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) Full Documentary What is Predictive Programming? | 100% Proof of Hollywood Brainwashing & Foreknowledge by ODD Reality (ONE WORLD) ORDER OUT of CHAOS by ODD Reality TIMELAPSE OF THE SUN PROVES FLAT EARTH HD perspective matrix, watch also: The Sun Fade Out 4K TIMELAPSE OF A MOUNTAIN SHADOW DEBUNKS THE SPINNING BALL EARTH! 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball | Videobook by E. Dubay auf deutsch | 200 Beweise dass die Erde keine rotierende Kugel ist History of Fake Space | Outer Space Does Not Exist by ODD Reality The History of Fake Globe Earth | by E. Dubay ODD TVs Flat Earth Trilogy | True World, Learning Curve and Epic Deception by ODD Reality Planet Flat Earth | 2020 Documentary II by ODD Reality 1 Hour of Bill Gates Getting Creampied Set to Relaxing Music  by ODD Reality Children Under Attack | Marketing to Kids is Pedophilia by ODD Reality John Andrew Reed | Author of: Your Science Teacher is Wrong And How You Can Prove it How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? Questions For Corbett O.D.D TV MEGAMIX Part 1 by ODD Reality O.D.D TV MEGAMIX Part 2 by ODD Reality ODD TV | Never Sleep Again | Full Album | Lyrics | 432hz Truth Music by ODD Reality Never Sleep Again Part II | FULL ALBUM | 432 Hz Truth Music / Rap by ODD Reality To be continued Der Beitrag Best of Video Collection for sceptic Truth Seekers Make your own mind erschien zuerst auf AQUACENTRUM.

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