BlindSight hosts Workshop on "Computational and Analytical Methods"

Together with the department of Neuropsychology at the University of Oldenburg (Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener), BlindSight hosted a 3-day workshop on Computational and Analytical Methods at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst.​ With a series of lectures and accompanying hands-on sessions, the participants received a well founded and in-depth introduction to the world of multi- and cross-modal data acquisition and data analysis based on EEG/fMRI as an example. Other topics included introductions to the Blind Source Separation of fMRI data, NIRS-EEG integration and a lectures on a wide range of specific computational and analytical methods. The workshop was immediately followed by a related workshop on the promise and the challenges of mobile EEG biosignal data acquisition, particularly integrated with mobile eye and gaze tracking acquisition. The full workshop program is available under the following link.

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