Building a Fargate-based container app with Cognito Authentication

In this post I’m going to show you how to use Cognito User Authentication in combination with a Docker app running in Fargate behind an Application Load Balancer and we’re going to build all this with the Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Why would you want to use this? You’re running your web application inside a docker container and don’t want to deal with user authentication.

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Machine to Machine Authentication with Cognito and Serverless

Introduction Authentication is a problem almost every IT professional has had to deal with at some point in time. Doing it right isn’t easy. What I mean by right is balancing usability and security. AWS attempts to solve this problem with AWS Cognit

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R can not be pushed in Production - deprecated!

Running Shiny on Fargate Some guys still thinking R cannot be used at scale or only in a limited way. I still do not understand the reason why people are like this. Since my last post about AWS Batch, which is a Docker-based service within AWS, which enab

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Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 1

When setting up a Jenkins build server on a physical machine, right-sizing can become a challenging task. Long idle times followed by high, irregular loads make it hard to predict the necessary hardware requirements. One solution to this problem is the de

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Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 2

When setting up a Jenkins build server on a physical machine, right-sizing can become a challenging task. Long idle times followed by high, irregular loads make it hard to predict the necessary hardware requirements. One solution to this problem is the de

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Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3

When setting up a Jenkins build server on a physical machine, right-sizing can become a challenging task. Long idle times followed by high, irregular loads make it hard to predict the necessary hardware requirements. One solution to this problem is the de

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