Cloud Arbeiterbienen für die Build Pipeline - Jenkins mit dynamischen Verarbeitungsknoten über AWS Plugin

Jenkins als Build Server erfreut sich einer großen Verbreitung. Die architekturelle Frage, die sich dabei stellt ist: Wie groß lege ich den Server aus, damit er neben des Management der Build Projekte auch die Builds selber verarbeiten kann? Die einfachste Antwort darauf ist ja: AWS CodeBuild verwenden, aber wenn das nicht geht? Dann bietet das EC2-Plugin eine dynamische Lösung mit AWS Mitteln: Die Worker Knoten werden vollautomatisch dynamisch als EC2 Instanzen erzeugt und wieder abgebaut.

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Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 2

When setting up a Jenkins build server on a physical machine, right-sizing can become a challenging task. Long idle times followed by high, irregular loads make it hard to predict the necessary hardware requirements. One solution to this problem is the de

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Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 3

When setting up a Jenkins build server on a physical machine, right-sizing can become a challenging task. Long idle times followed by high, irregular loads make it hard to predict the necessary hardware requirements. One solution to this problem is the de

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Serverless Jenkins on ECS Fargate: Part 1

When setting up a Jenkins build server on a physical machine, right-sizing can become a challenging task. Long idle times followed by high, irregular loads make it hard to predict the necessary hardware requirements. One solution to this problem is the de

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The CDK pipeline construct

Generation of Infrastructure-as-Code is fun. To be the real DevOps hero, you should build a complete CI-CD pipeline. But this is a piece of work. And if you want to deploy to multiple accounts, it gets tricky. With the new CDK, builtin pipeline Construct,

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Build Terraform CI/CD Pipelines using AWS CodePipeline

When deciding which Infrastructure as Code tool to use for deploying resources in AWS, Terraform is often a favored choice and should therefore be a staple in every DevOps Engineer’s toolbox. While Terraform can increase your team’s performanc

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