Cloud Driven Development Workshop@devopenspace

This is a live Blog from the workshop “Cloud Driven Development” on Forget a lot of what you know about classic full-stack development. Together, we’ll dive into cloud-driven software development and build a sample serverless application in AWS. This blog was build live during the workshop on November 2021. So it`s not a complete reference, just a few hints to test and deploy the infrastructure and the applications.

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Assessing compliance with AWS Audit Manager

Introduction As in traditional IT infrastructures, firms in regulated industries such as banks or energy providers have strict security requirements to comply with when using public cloud providers as well. However, cloud adoption is often driven by appli

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Test driven development with AWS and golang

Why Go? Go(lang) is a fast strongly typed language, which is a good fit for AWS lambda and other backend purposes. I am going to highlight some nice go features. Usually this leads to heated discussions about the “best” programming language&he

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CDK - under Construction - should we use it for the next project?

Should we use CDK for the next project? The AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) is great - and still in beta - so the question for the next project would be: Should we use cdk or not? This post will look at the state of the cdk. Also we provide our CDK Te

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Deployment Issues with Cross Stack Dependencies and the CDK

In this blog post I explain to you how to handle a particular class of errors with cross stack dependencies in the CLoud Development Kit.

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Makeup_Artist Workshop

Makeup_Artist Workshop mit Cat von P ( Catrin von Pabrutzki) in Kooperation der Nextlevel Akademie, Gülhan Dündar Der Beitrag Makeup_Artist Workshop erschien zuerst auf Hair and Makeup Artist / Visagistin Catrin von Pabrutzki.

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