Initialize VMs in a vSphere private Cloud using Cloud-Init Cloud-Init Datasource for VMware GuestInfo is deprecated The Web is full of explanations, how to use Cloud-Init Datasource for VMware GuestInfo but it is deprecated. It is now integrated natively into Cloud-Init Cloud-Init 21.3 has been released which integrates this software. New name: DatasourceVMware, readthedocs, Id expect it to be in the current Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri) the release notes for 21.10 dont specify the exact version. Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is still at cloud-init 20.1-10 according to which is too old. Prepare a VM-Template Unfortunately Ubuntu provides the cloud-images in OVA-Format. Create VM-Template from OVA Deploy impish-server-cloudimg-amd64.ova as VM keep all settings set to default Customize VM disable (or remove) the Serial-portdisable vApp-Propertiesthose would break the cloud-init process later onVM=>ConfigureSettings=>vApp-Optionsdisable [ ] vApp-Properties Convert to Template VM-Template ubuntu-impish-21.10-cloudimg. Clone a VM from this VM-Template This shouldnt be done manually, Id suggest using terraform Verify that Cloud-Init 21.3 is available and the VMware-Datasource is included Cloud-Init Version Release 21.3 is available: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cloud-init --version /usr/bin/cloud-init 21.3-1-g6803368d-0ubuntu3 Check the Cloud-Init Datasource Datasource vmware is included: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cloud-id vmware The post Cloud-Init for VMs in private and public Clouds first appeared on the broadcast.
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