Zhang Enli emerged onto the art scene in the 1990s when he was most associated with symbolic, figurative paintings. Following this, he embarked on a series of quotidian objects treated sensitively and beautifully – whether containers, wires or hoses – these were imbued with their own personal stories, expressive of people in the associated utilities and desires they represented. From here the artist’s gaze turned to the outside world, urban dwellings and nature, blurring the boundaries between inside and out, as he painted trees and skies in varied colours, playing with weight, transparency and texture. Zhang Enli created in the past three decades figurative paintings (from the 1990s to early 2000s), an everyday objects series (from the 2000s to early 2010s) as well as abstract works (from the early 2010s until the present day). His recent gestural canvases reflect Zhang Enlis progression to looser, freer brushwork that has become prominent in the artists style in recent years and reveals the artists compelling and continued exploration into abstract form. While anchored in figuration with descriptive titles, Zhang Enli seeks to capture the essence of his subjects rather than their physical representation through these works. The artist’s progression towards abstraction carries through into this exhibition, opening up not only Zhang Enli’s creative process with a spontaneous and visceral approach, but also his subject matter into a different realm situated in thought and feeling, rather than in a tactile, truthful representation. For Zhang Enli there is another invisible subject matter, as he has said ‘I pay attention not to the mainstream but rather the subtle things that you might ignore sometimes.’ His paintings are liberated from the chaos of contemporary culture, they don’t hint or reference specifics but instead a universal experience and a sentience, transcending a specific locale or culture through the artist’s exploration of colour, composition and emotion. In doing so, the idea of an elusive but highly palpable sensation dominates the works and when viewed these emotions can be discerned or replaced accordingly by the viewer’s own. ZHANG ENLIREPRESENTED BYHAUSER WIRTH GALLERYHauser Wirth Gallery website.

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