Cre8tive Cre8tions Oracle Card Deck Presale is open now!

I’m so glad you’ve found your Way here and so excited to presend you the Cre8tive Cre8tions Oracle Deck. The Cre8tive Cre8tions Oracle Deck will help you to connect to your inner Wisdom and Intuition in a playful yet meaningful Way! Let the whimsical, colorful watercolor-illustrated Cards share their Messages with you and allow them to take you on a Journey … 48 beautifully handillustrated Cards – the Cre8tive Cre8tions Oracle Card Deck by Andrea Gomoll I’ve had this Dream for over two Years now – to create a whole Card Deck with my Illustrations … but you know – sometimes you’re carrying an Idea, a little Spark, a tiny Seed with you and you know some Day it will grow – some Day it will flourish and sprout and turn into something beautiful – but you’re waiting for “the perfect time” … and since a Card Deck like this isn’t done in 48 Hours I was a little scared to commit to that task to be honest … but when 2020 came around, I felt the Time is finally right … I wanted to bring this Project to Life in 2020 … and once I started dreaming up, heartstorming and illustrating the first Cards I was hooked – I was on fire – I enjoyed this creative Process so much and for almost 2 Months I put all my love, heart, soul and energy into these Cards. I am so excited, grateful and a little bit proud as well to finally be able to say: Here it is … my first 48 Cards Oracle Deck … YAY! What a journey it was – but so fulfilling – and it feels incredible to finally hold these “Babies” in my Hands. The Dream that I dreamed for quite a while now finally manifested in the Form of 48 beautiful little Cards that will hopefully bring lots of inspiration, comfort, support, joy and insight to you …! If you’re not familiar with using Oracle Decks … If you’ve never used an Oracle Deck before – let me tell you – Oracle Cards can be so much fun and you can use them in so many different Ways (besides what most people think: “fortunetelling”) … there’s nothing ‘woowoo’ about them (well – it depends – maybe a little wink) … I simply see them as a wonderful Tool to spark my Creativity and my Imagination, to feed my Intuition … they can give you that little Impulse that you might need – they can help you think outside the Box, they can open up new Perspectives, new Ways of looking a a certain Topic / Problem / Situation … they can inspire a creative Practice (like Morning Pages, Gratitude Journal, Mindfulness Practice, Meditation etc.), they can be a wonderful Conversation- or Journaling-Starter … or they can just plain and simple be a wonderful Way to collect beautiful small Pieces of Art / Artprints of your favourite Artists (I can’t tell you how many Decks I purchased in first place because I fell in love with the Artwork … it’s like a little Museum in a Box) … if you never used Oracle Cards before – give them a go and see for yourself how addicting they can be … short and sweet – here’s my Top 5 of Oracle Card Usage: 1) to inspire my creative Process / my Artwork 2) to inspire creative Journaling / Artjournaling / creative Writing 3) to feel into the Energy of the Day / Week / Month / a Situation 4) to help with making Decisions based on my Intuition 5) using them to decorate my Space & seasonal Altars Are you ready to let the Cards take you on an inspiring Journey? You can find Details and place your Order here … Since I myself enjoy the creative Process so much and a creative Practice is an important Part of my Days, I thought it would be great to give you another creative Option along with the Deck … You can purchase the Lineart of your favourite Deck-Illustrations to print them and use as Coloring Pages for some creative Mindfulness Practice or even turn them into your own Version of the Oracle Cards – use your favourite Coloring-Medium to add your favourite Colors, add your own Words and Meaning to them … just think of the creative Possibilities … the Sky is the Limit If you’re interested in the Printable Coloring Pages – you can purchase those as an instant Download over here in my Etsy Shop …

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