Cyclic Music, Live Looping and Trance (my Ebook on that topic)

Music and Trance The year 2010 was an important year for my personal and artistic evolution. A lot of things were changing, and I decided to concentrate my last year on Carl Maria von Weber Music University becoming an Ethnomusicologist and focussing on one topic: the question of how music is related to altered states of consciousness. I tried to read everything about the topic, ordered books from all over the world, just to understand what science has revealed about that mystic thing that mankind is confronted with since ever. Live Looping My whole liveLooping approach is deeply inspired by global cultures that uses cyclic music to get in trance/ecstacy. Since 2009 i wanted to do Live Loop Music. But propably before i needed a concept, so life brought me into a complete different dirrection. I dedicated a year doing research and fieldwork, My goal was to understand precisely what these people are doing? Gnawa Brotherhood Theory is one thing, the practical part another. So i decided to travel to Morocco to meet the Gnawa Brotherhood of Essaouira, a lovely city at the atlantic coast. After 5 weeks of fieldwork I came back and started to work and work and work.  Propably on the intelectual level one of the most inspiring years of my short live. I would say, i really became an expert on that topic. My teachers were suprised, because I have discovered some new stuff related to the question how music is connected to altered states (Trance/Ecstacy) and of course, i understood so many things about human nature. You wanna know more about that just read and see >  THAT BOOK  (click and download) The Book is in german > so google translator and go ahead Workshops Since than i started to give workshops around Europe trying to inspire people on new perspectives on music and dancing. So if you wanna invite me. Don´t hesitate. Hopefully we see eachother Der Beitrag Cyclic Music, Live Looping and Trance (my Ebook on that topic) erschien zuerst auf ArYstan.

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Open Live Trance

I will make the next corona live trance available for anybody again.I guess these days anybody can use a little bit of safe space and time…I will do two trance:The first will be a pet trance – if you don’t know what that is, go back in the blog and listen

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Public Live Trance

I will make the next corona live trance available for anybody again. I guess these days anybody can use a little bit of safe space and time… I will do two trance: The first will be a pet trance – if you don’t know what that is, go back in the blo

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Live Trances 24.05

And heres the next batch of live trances:The first one is the of course a pet trance. You will be petted like a good little pet, you will feel safe and cared for. The second one a new iteration of the “tamed” trance. You will be caught, and then ta

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Live Trance June 14

The first trance is like usual a pet trance. Something nice and safe with a lot of scritches. The second trance is a new induction. Its a very controlling twist on old classics. Its classic inductions, yet in a more kinky way. And its focused on yo

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Live Trances

So here are the last few live trances:21.06:Pet trance: Just another version of the pet trance Bunker trance. Its a bit different. Instead of walking down a nice staircase, you walk down deep into a bunker, sealed in my control and completely helpl

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