My son, you did it. With another dominant weekend at the PSCCE in Most/CZ you are the youngest sprint champion of the series at the age of 17. The way youve worked the last few months just makes me proud. Your calmness and precision in the GT 3 Cup Porsche is impressive for me. I look forward to what is to come in the future. Today I would like to thank your instructor and friend in what is probably the most important time in the shifter kart. Thank you Ernst Penninger VPD Racing for your tireless work and personal commitment to Colin. Its great that youre by our side. Mechanic: Richard Gander Chief engineer: Franz Maier Drivercoach: Florian Janits Fitness Coach: Petra Zombo Pictures: Hafeez, Tahir Results Autodromo Most / Czech Republic Qualification run 1 / 1. Place Qualification run 1 / 1. Place Qualification Endurance/ Pole Position Race result run 1. Race result run 1. Race result Endurance 1. 3x fastest race lap Porsche Sprint Challange Central Europe Champion 2022 Porsche GT 3 Overall Endurance Central Europe Champion 2022 #Porsche #PorscheSprintChallenge #CentralEurope #SprintChallengeCentralEurope #LechnerRacing #GlobeAir #DreamTeam #GT3 #GT4 #clubsport #motorsport #baederprofis #stratic #adacnsa #fit4race_humantuning [See image gallery at baederprofis.de] Der Beitrag DAS TEAM BAEDERPROFIS.DE GEWINNT DIE PORSCHE SPRINT CHALLENGE CENTRAL EUROPE 2022 erschien zuerst auf SHG GmbH Klaus Bönighausen.

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Meisterschaftsführung ausgebaut

What can we say? Another strong performance by Colin Bönighausen on the 4rd weekend of the Porsche Sprint Challenge Central Europe on the Hungaroring. The baederprofis.de team is heading the championship. Race 5 the final Round will be at Autodrom Most in

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Ehrungsmarathon für Colin Jamie Bönighausen am vergangenen Wochenende

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Auto News von Reinhard Wahren – 75 Jahre Porsche

© Porsche AG , Foto: Dirk Michael Deckbar „Am Anfang schaute ich mich um, konnte aber den Wagen, von dem ich träumte, nicht finden. Also beschloss ich, ihn mir selbst zu bauen.“ Am 8. Juni 1948 erhielt Ferry Porsche die allgemeine Betrie

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Porsche Taycan mit deutlichem Absatzplus

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