Ein Jahr - 8.600km in der Luft

Der Jahresrückblick von Rodrigo I had set 2 goals for this year: and out and return to Samedan and a 500km. By the end of the season, I have flown the out return to Samedan 4 times and did 6 flights over 500km! To achieve that I took the wintertime studying flights from other pilots and compiled an outlanding catalog with the great information from streckenflug.at, only considering Category A during the flights. The year started exploring the Lechtal in late March, as suggested by Alex Keupp in his cross-country training, in a flight with DG1000 with Jeanfre up to the end on the valley ( https://www.weglide.org/flight/129102 ). The next day, also in DG1000 I did the first deeper flight into Engadin with Sylvain. We could have achieved Samedan that day but decided to return at Piz Nuna to be sure we would make the return on time. I spent April in Brazil and returned just in time for the Königsdorfer Segelflugwettbewerb in the Light class that started on the 6 th of May ( https://www.soaringspot.com/de/konigsdorfer-wettbewerb-2022-konigsdorf- 2022/results/leichte-klasse ). The plan was to fly DG1000 with a different club member every day to share the competition experience with other people. We had 5 tasks during the competition, with some challenging days and others with very good weather. The competition started in a very tricky day that I flew with Jeanfre( https://www.weglide.org/flight/149370 ). We almost outlanded in Sollach (24km from Königsdorf) because of a big blue region we had cross after taking a bad decision during the start. Not a good competition start, finish the first task in 12 th out of 15 competitors but we kept positive since we completed the task. The second day flying with Johannes Folster ( https://www.weglide.org/flight/149724 ) we managed to complete the 410km task that had a turning point into Engadin entrance in 3 rd! The 3rd day I flew with Julius Person( https://www.weglide.org/flight/150201 ) on the best weather day of the competition: an East departure to Pinzgau, crossing through Hochkönig and Dachstein up to Niederöblarn with a total of 449km. Pinzgau was a bit tricky in the return and some gliders outlanded in Zell am See. We were patient, not pushing too much and managed to finish the task in 1 st place! The 4 th day I flew with Dmytro Trush ( https://www.weglide.org/flight/150575 ). It was a task in the border of the Alps with North wind. Although the weather was good, we got low close to Reutte after misreading the weather. Going down was fast, going up was a patience exercise flying “8s” in the beautiful region of Plansee. We managed to finish task on the 7 th place but dropped from 1 st to 4 th in the overall points of the competition. The 5 th and final competition day was a flatland day ( https://www.weglide.org/flight/151279 ) that I flew with Julian Lepere. We thrusted on the weather forecast that it would be better later and waited almost 1 hour before starting the task. It did work! We finished in 1 st place in the task. In this task the 1 st and 2 nd overall place outlanded and we did better than the 3 rd place what surprisingly put us as the 1 st place overall! A great achievement for the start of the season with an amazing team effort from the co-pilots and ground crew. A big thanks for all of you! It was amazing! The season was just starting, and I still had the two goals do achieve: Out and return to Samedan and the 500km. On the 11 th of June I took of in the DG1000 with Paulo Bustamante. The flight started in the mountains at Benediktenwand, crossing through the Soiernsptiz and Karwendel up to the end of Lechtal, when we decided to change to flatlands. After that we headed North-west up to the Schwäbische Alb and returned with the total of 504km free! ( https://www.weglide.org/flight/166824 ) One goal was achieved! In the next day I flew the ASW-27 to the East, repeating a the task I flew with Julius during the competition but returning through Zillertal and now completing 528km ( https://www.weglide.org/flight/168641 ). The first Samedan Out and Return was with Alex Keupp flying the Arcus M in a team flight with Fritz in Ventus 2cxM. It was an amazing flight with a magnificence view from Piz Bernina ( https://www.weglide.org/flight/172980 ). So, goal achieved? I still felt I had to do it again and by myself. On the 14 th of July flying the DG1000 with Paulo Bustamante we managed the Samedan Out and return again in a 513km flight! ( https://www.weglide.org/flight/185491 ). Just to be sure I had learned the way; on the 19 th of July I flew together with Volker Davids in the DG in a team flight with Fritz in the Ventus (

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