Elopement in New York

In New York,Concrete jungle where dreams are made ofTheres nothin you cant doNow youre in New YorkThese streets will make you feel brand newBig lights will inspire youLets hear it for New York, New York, New York Just like Jay- Z and Alicia Keys must have felt when they wrote their famous ode to the big apple, this was how I felt like when Bianca and Lukas asked me if I was available to film their elopement in New York: via GIPHY New York has been on my travel bucket list ever since I first saw it in the Spider-Man comics back in the 90s and realized that it was a real city. All those skyscrapers that Spidey used to sling his webs at, the bridges, the subway and the birthplace of Hip Hop I get to see all of it while filming an intimate wedding?! YES PLEASE! Truth be told, I was super stoked and quite nervous to shoot this wedding as Bianca is one of the best wedding photographers in Austria herself and its always a special honour to have fellow wedding togs in front of my cameras. :) When the day finally arrived, I flew over to the US, checked into my apartment in the heart of Williamsburg and tried to absorb as much of the citys energy as possible before the big event of the trip was about to happen. The morning of the wedding I met Bianca, Lukas and their photographer Kathrin at the Arlo Nomad Hotel, an awesome boutique hotel in the heart of Manhattan. When I arrived, Bianca and Kathrin had just returned from the flower market and were binding an oh so beautiful bouquet before Bianca and Lukas had to get dressed and suited up for their big day. When Lukas was ready he went upstairs to enjoy the view from the rooftop terrace while waiting for his soon-to-be wife to put on her dress. To be honest, I really love this level of laidbackness at weddings. From the hotel we took an Uber to Brooklyn where Bianca and Lukas chose to get married at the East River with a breathtaking view of the Manhattan skyline and the Brooklyn Bridge. The ceremony was officiated by Jackie Reinking who did the most amazing job. The whole day was packed with broad smiles, happy tears and definitely a lot of love! Wanna see for yourselves? Well, off you go. But keep your tissues at the ready, youll need them. The post Elopement in New York first appeared on Alper Tunc Films.

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