Engaging Articles for Childrens Magazine

I'm seeking a talented writer who can create well-researched and engaging magazine articles tailored for children aged 8-14. Your passion for writing combined with a love of learning and educating children is what's needed to make this project a success... (Budget: $150 - $300 USD, Jobs: Article Rewriting, Article Writing, Content Writing, Ghostwriting, Research Writing)

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Baumhaus-Magazine jetzt als Download verfügbar

Im Reiter Über Uns findest du jetzt einige unserer Baumhaus-Magazine. Die Magazine werden von den Freiwilligen selbst verfasst und gestaltet.In ihnen Berichten sie über ihre ersten Erfahrungen, Kontakte und Missverständnisse. Mit ihren Erzählungen über Pr

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BrewOtaku #001 The Homebrew Gaming Magazine (misc)

BrewOtaku is out! If you are still into homebrew, kindly check this new magazine, available digitally and physical.

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50 years Kunstforum International

Homage with contributions from outstanding artists and curators The art magazine Kunstforum international, usually published every two months, is a recognized force within the German-speaking art scene. It is reflecting contemporary art and an indispens

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Communication is the key

Massive Dynamic has over 10 years of experience in Design, Technology and Marketing. We take pride in delivering Intelligent Designs and Engaging Experiences for clients all over the World. Massive Dynamic has over 10 years of experience in Design, Techno

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