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Preview on Chemical Space Docking

Yes, you read it right. Chemical Space Docking is on the horizon! The novel approach is the next level of structure-based virtual screening where billion-or even trillion-sized Chemical Space can be screened for the most promising drug candidates. A spotl

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A Gaze into Chemical Space Series

Introducing our latest series, A Gaze into Chemical Space, where we explore the expansive realms of combinatorial compound collections. Our aim in this exercise is to uncover similar compounds of potential and approved drugs using various methods. Typical

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"Max Space": Start-up will Wohnen im Weltraum ermöglichen | Video

Für 2026 hat das Unternehmen "Max Space" erste Tests mit ihren aufblasbaren Modulen im Weltall angekündigt. In Kooperation mit Elon Musks Unternehmen SpaceX sollen erste Module ins All fliegen.

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Space Trash Scavenger: Survival Sandbox in den Early Access gestartet

Bereits letzte Woche haben Paradox Interactive und Entwickler SquarePlay Games Space Trash Scavenger zum empfohlenden Verkaufspreis von 19,99 Euro in den Steam-Early-Access geschickt. Weiterlesen

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Behind the Scenes of Enamines REAL Space

Since its launch in 2018, Enamines REAL Space has made a significant impact in revolutionizing the landscape of compound collections. The initial version contained approximately 650 million compounds, establishing itself as one of the expansive catalogs o

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