Foreign Parents of South African Citizen Children are now permitted to apply for South Africa Relatives Visa inside of South Africa with an allowance to work.

Pretoria High Court has delivered a ground-breaking judgment which opens the door for foreigners working in South Africa who have children born on local soil. Please read the article below for more information The post Foreign Parents of South African Citizen Children are now permitted to apply for South Africa Relatives Visa inside of South Africa with an allowance to work. appeared first on Black Pen Immigration.

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UPDATE: Temporary measures in respect of foreign nationals in light of a backlog being experienced in processing outcomes on Waiver applications and Visa applications.

In an attempt to address the impact that the backlog in processing outcomes on waiver and visa applications has on foreign nationals, the Minister of Home Affairs has approved that some temporary measures will be introduced to address the situation. The t

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DHA Visa Extension Directive in March 2023

The Department of Home Affairs communicated yesterday that they are introducing new temporary measures to reduce the backlog of over 62,000 pending visa applications submitted via VFS within South Africa. Please click here to view. Applicants awaiting the

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UPDATE: Expired South African visas extended until 31st March 2021.

The post UPDATE: Expired South African visas extended until 31st March 2021. appeared first on Black Pen Immigration.

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Photovoltaik-Anlagen in Afrika: Stiftung CEI Africa unterstützt EWIA

Die Stiftung CEI Africa stellt 373.000 Euro zur Refinanzierung von Solarinvestitionen des Unternehmens EWIA Green Investments in Afrika zur Verfügung. Foto: EWIA

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Veranstaltung: Sound-meditation weekend at the Beach

17. bis 19. Juni: Sound meditation weekend at the Amani House on the south coast of Kenya

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