FROM THE DEATH ZONE TO THE BOARDROOM. What Business Leaders and Decision Makers Can Learn From Extreme Mountaineering. In From the Death Zone to the Boardroom (Buchtitel ≈ Von der Todeszone in die Vorstandsetage) erzählt der Speed-Ski-Bergsteiger Benedikt Böhm spannende Geschichten von seinen Expeditionen auf die höchsten Berge der Welt, über seine Ängste und Leiden und den Umgang mit dem Tod. Stefan Gröschl, Co-Autor und Professor für Führung und Management, untersucht das Thema von der wissenschaftlichen Seite. Dabei geht er über traditionelle Geschäftsstrategien hinaus und eröffnet damit ungewöhnliche Einblicke und zum Nachdenken anregende Alternativen für die Führung Ihres Unternehmens. Zur Buchbestellung (function($){ "use strict"; var spacingID = 'stm-spacing-660398baec423', lgSpacing = '60', mdSpacing = '60', smSpacing = '20', xsSpacing = '20'; function stmSpacing() { if ( window.matchMedia("(min-width: 1200px)").matches lgSpacing ) { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", lgSpacing ); } else if ( window.matchMedia("(max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 992px )").matches mdSpacing ) { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", mdSpacing ); } else if ( window.matchMedia("(max-width: 991px) and (min-width: 768px )").matches smSpacing ) { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", smSpacing ); } else if ( window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches xsSpacing ) { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", xsSpacing ); } else { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", "" ); } } $(document).ready(function() { stmSpacing(); }); $(window).resize(function() { stmSpacing(); }); })(jQuery); Artikel im ESSEC Magazin (function($){ "use strict"; var spacingID = 'stm-spacing-660398baec62e', lgSpacing = '60', mdSpacing = '60', smSpacing = '20', xsSpacing = '20'; function stmSpacing() { if ( window.matchMedia("(min-width: 1200px)").matches lgSpacing ) { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", lgSpacing ); } else if ( window.matchMedia("(max-width: 1199px) and (min-width: 992px )").matches mdSpacing ) { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", mdSpacing ); } else if ( window.matchMedia("(max-width: 991px) and (min-width: 768px )").matches smSpacing ) { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", smSpacing ); } else if ( window.matchMedia("(max-width: 767px)").matches xsSpacing ) { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", xsSpacing ); } else { $( '#' + spacingID ).css ( "height", "" ); } } $(document).ready(function() { stmSpacing(); }); $(window).resize(function() { stmSpacing(); }); })(jQuery); This book makes for an excellent read. I love Ben’s stories and reflections about the experiences he encountered during his stunning climbs. Stefan did a great job in relating Ben’s experiences into a theoretical perspective. Entertaining and informative at the same time. Peter Schwarzenbauer Member of the Board of Management, BMW AG This book is the result of an exciting collaboration between a scholar and extreme sports athlete (who also happens to run a global business). It is a refreshing change from the usual in drawing on Ben’s powerful experiences to highlight the challenges of leadership, and innovative strategies for tackling them. Mark de Rond, Professor Jude Business School, Cambridge University I enjoyed how Stefan was able to translate Ben’s experiences as leading speed mountaineer into real life business situations. Great to read about topics that give you a totally new look at yourself. Dr. Thomas Sedran CEO, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Gröschl relates Böhm’s fascinating stories to scholarship relevant for business executives. Those who choose to or must go to extremes will learn a lot from this insightful and unique book. Dr. Horst Eidenmüller Statutory Professor, University of Oxford One of the most accomplished extreme athletes on the planet, Böhm culls lessons from the life-and-death world of ski-mountaineering and, with the help of scholar Stefan Gröschl, seamlessly applies them to the high-stakes domain of business. From leading teams in extreme conditions to the willingness to embrace failure as a means to spur innovation, Boehm draws from his experiences on the world’s most dangerous peaks to elevate what could have been a dense, academic tome into something altogether different: an insightful meditation on business, leadership, and life. Kelley McMillan Manley Freelance journalist and contributor, to the New York Times Der Beitrag From the Deathzone to the Boardroom erschien zuerst auf Benedikt Böhm.