General Manager/Plant Manager Location Taicang/China

General Manager/Plant Manager - Location Taicang/ChinaTaicang/China Our client is a leading European manufacturer of Electrical Equipment for Industrial, Factory and Process Automation with subsidiaries all over the world. For their new production plant in Taicang, we are looking for a Plant Manager as the General Manager of the factory. Responsibilities Overall and P&L responsibility for the factory and the production in Taicang Production planning, operation and integration of the whole production plant. Leading the departments for Design/Engineering, Purchase, Production, Quality Management and Logistics. Overall responsibility for output/production in time at specified quality Be able to communicate in English with the HQ in Europe, especially for the monthly and yearly Financial Reporting/Budgeting as well as Production and Quality issues. Purchasing, supply chain and quality management Requirements University Degree in Engineering At least 5 years work experience and at least 3 years in management positions, preferably in industrial companies like electric/electronics, machinery or automation companies Experience as Plant Manager, Operation Manager or Production Manager, preferably at a foreign (European or American) production company in China Knowledge of operation processes (design/drawing, production, logistics), production planning, procedures and factory management Knowledge in finance, supply chain and purchasing Strong personality, self confident, energetic, integrity, loyalty and team spirit Fluent in written and oral English and Chinese Excellent communication skills, mature personality, outstanding interpersonal skills and analytical ability High intercultural competence, especially knowledge of European mentality and culture If you are interested, please send your resume in English to the responsible staff in China: We will handle your application confidentially, and will contact you personally if you are short-listed. Online Application jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#iphorm-655152d9a5f19').iPhorm({"id":17,"uniqueId":"655152d9a5f19","useAjax":true,"successMessageTimeout":10,"resetFormValues":"","clElementIds":[],"clDependentElementIds":[],"centerFancybox":true,"centerFancyboxSpeed":true}); if ($.isFunction($.fn.qtip)) { $('.iphorm-tooltip-hover', iPhorm.instance.$form).qtip({ style: { classes: 'qtip-plain qtip-shadow' }, position: { my: 'left center', at: 'right center', viewport: $(window), adjust: { method: 'shift' } } }); $('.iphorm-tooltip-click', iPhorm.instance.$form).qtip({ style: { classes: 'qtip-plain qtip-shadow' }, position: { my: 'left center', at: 'right center', viewport: $(window), adjust: { method: 'shift' } }, show: { event: 'focus' }, hide: { event: 'unfocus' } }); $('.iphorm-tooltip-icon-hover', iPhorm.instance.$form).qtip({ style: { classes: 'qtip-plain qtip-shadow' }, position: { my: 'left center', at: 'right center', viewport: $(window), adjust: { method: 'shift' } }, content: { text: function (api) { return $(this).find('.iphorm-tooltip-icon-content').html(); } } }); $('.iphorm-tooltip-icon-click', iPhorm.instance.$form).qtip({ style: { classes: 'qtip-plain qtip-shadow' }, position: { my: 'left center', at: 'right center', viewport: $(window), adjust: { method: 'shift' } }, show: { event: 'click' }, hide: { event: 'unfocus' }, content: { text: function (api) { return $(this).find('.iphorm-tooltip-icon-content').html(); } } }); $('.iphorm-labels-inside > .iphorm-element-spacer > label').hover(function () { $(this).siblings('.iphorm-input-wrap').find('.iphorm-tooltip-hover').qtip('show'); }, function () { $(this).siblings('.iphorm-input-wrap').find('.iphorm-tooltip-hover').qtip('hide'); }); } if ($.isFunction($.fn.uniform)) { $('select, input:checkbox, input:radio', iPhorm.instance.$form).uniform({context: iPhorm.instance.$form, selectAutoWidth: false}); } if ($.isFunction($.fn.inFieldLabels)) { $('.iphorm-labels-inside:not(.iphorm-element-wrap-recaptcha) > .iphorm-element-spacer > label', iPhorm.instance.$form).inFieldLabels(); } $('.iphorm-group-row > div:last-child:not(:first-child)', iPhorm.instance.$form).add('.iphorm-group-row:last-child', iPhorm.instance.$form).addClass('last-child'); }); Family name* First name* E-mail address* The position you apply for* Available as from * Expected salary Please upload your CV* jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { if ($.isFunction($.fn.uniform)) { $('.iphorm_17_7-element-wrap input:file', iPhorm.instance.$form).not('.iphorm-upload-enhanced').uniform({ fileDefaultHtml: 'Keine Datei ausgewählt', fileButtonHtml: 'Datei auswählen ' }); } }); jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $('.iphorm_17_7-input-wrap', iPhorm.instance.$form).show(); }); Datei auswählen jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { iPhorm.instance.addUploader({ id: 7, name: 'iphorm_17_7', uniqueId: 'iphorm_17_7_655152d9a5f19', allowedExtensions: ["jpg","jpeg","png","gif","pdf"], fileSizeLimit : 10485760, fileUploadLimit : 1 }); }); Maximum size 10MB, please add only PDF-files. Are you human?* Dieses Feld sollte nicht ausgefüllt werden Absenden Bitte warten jQuery('#iphorm-outer-655152d9a5f19 script').remove(); Der Beitrag General Manager/Plant Manager Location Taicang/China erschien zuerst auf Asia-Pacific Management Consulting GmbH.

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