GLS International Sorting Center Jihlava

References Referenceproject from AEG official distributor for Czech Republic SOLSOL s.r.o.:GLS is increasing the share of environmentally friendlytechnologies, purchasesmore electric cars and builds a photovoltaic power plant on the roof of the hubin JihlavaAt least 10 more vans and 10 electrically powered cargo bikes will be added tothe fleet of international parcel carrier GLS by the end of the year. Theirdeployment makes a significant contribution to reducing the carbon footprint.GLS is also emphasising environmental protection in the construction andrenovation of its transport hubs a total of 666 solar panels supplied by AEGfill the roof of the new hall of the international sorting centre in Jihlava.The panels will generate energy for the day-to-day operation of the facility.The annual savings in carbon dioxide emissions are expectedto reach up to 156 tonnes, equivalent to more than seven thousand trees planted.A green facade is also currently being created on one side of the building. Thecompany has won the prestigious EcoVadis award for 2022 for its pan-Europeanenvironmental and sustainability activities.  Emission-free parcel deliverySince last July, GLS CZ has delivered a total of 15emission-free deliveries in twelve cities in the Czech Republic, includingPrague, Karlovy Vary, Ostrava and Hulín. Their fleet will be expanded by atleast ten more vehicles this year, which will significantly help reduce theircarbon footprint. Another 10 electric cargo bikes, which have been used forover a year to deliver packages in the historic centre of Prague, will also beadded. They will also be used to serve the centres of other major cities. Delivering parcels by electric cargo bike has provedvery successful for us in Prague, with the courier delivering approximately 50small and medium-sized parcels per day. Thats why we have establishedcooperation with a Czech manufacturer, who has developed a tailor-made specialfor us to increase operational reliability and efficiency. From our point ofview, this is one of the ways to serve the centres of larger cities in thefuture, not only to offset carbon dioxide emissions, but also to speed updelivery for couriers. E-bikes have no problem to park almost anywhere and theycan also get into narrow streets where it is more difficult for vans togo, says Pavel Včela, Director of GLS Czech Republic. Energy from photovoltaics for the whole dayGLS also takes environmental protection into account whenbuilding new depots and reconstructing existing ones. The expansion of theinternational sorting centre in Jihlava was completed in autumn 2021 and theentire construction was carried out in accordance with environmental standardsand a number of additional green measures. A new 300 kW photovoltaic plant hasbeen installed on the roof of the hall, which will save up to 156 tonnes ofcarbon dioxide emissions per year, equivalent to more than 7,000 trees planted.The solar energy produced will cover the entire daysoperation of the site and the 200 kW battery storage, together with theinfrastructure for charging electric vehicles, also allows for storage and useoutside of daylight hours. A green facade with bird boxes is currently beingcreated on one side of the building, which together with a rainwater retentiontank will create an ideal habitat for many animals. We want to set an exampleand show that industrial construction can also do a lot for the environment,comments Pavel Včela. The European GLS Group has been awarded the prestigiousEcoVadis award for the second time for its activities in the field ofsustainable development. Each year, EcoVadis conducts an assessment of thesustainable business and environmental, social and ethical behaviour of morethan 62,000 suppliers worldwide. Out of a total of 100 points, parcel carrierGLS earned 67 points, upgrading its 2020 rating from a silver medal to a goldmedal, making it one of the top nine percent of companies in the industryworldwide.With the Vysočina Region Governors awardThis is also confirmed by GLS Czech Republic, which thisyear again received the award of the Vysočina Region Governor. It has receivedthe Socially Responsible Company of the Vysočina Region award for the secondtime, for its activities aimed at reducing the negative impact of parceltransport on the environment, optimising waste management and supporting socialprojects such as Donate a Toy, On a Bicycle for Children or the ecologicalinitiative Do Work by Bike, which aims to motivate the public to useenvironmentally friendly modes of transport. The award was also given forrespect for employees, concern for their needs and the opportunity for personaland professional growth.GLS was awarded in the private sector category in2017, when it participated in the first ever edition. The intention was notonly to showcase GLS activities in this area, but also to motivate othercompanies to follow suit. Five years have passed since then and we havecontinued to work within our CSR project ThinkResponsible. We applied againmainly to compare our progress in this area with others and to show that wehave lived up to our commitments from the first award even after fiveyears, concludes Pavel Včela. Translated fromCzech Original article: The post GLS International Sorting Center Jihlava appeared first on Solar Modules, Inverters & Storage - AEG Solar.

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