Head of Product Management Location Taiwan

Head of Product Management - Location TaiwanTaiwan Our client is an internationally leading manufacturer of equipment for factory automation. For their R&D center and Sales office in Taiwan, we are looking for the Head of the Product Management Department. Key Tasks report to the Director of Marketing in the HQ in Germany She/He will lead a team of highly motivated Product Managers The team will be responsible for the communication with customers (e.g. define specifications) during the new product development or customization, as well as the product marketing (pricing, placement, etc) in Asia, Taiwan and China, later also worldwide work across functional teams in operations to ensure the successful introduction of new products manage marketing spendings effectively within the allocated budget inspire, influence and motivate employees within the department and across functions to meet and exceed objectives Requirements University Degree in Engineering with additional business/marketing knowledge, or in Business, with technical knowledge At least 5 years experience in Product Management, Marketing or comparable positions Experience leading and building a Product Management team Fluent in English, preferable knowledge also in Japanese or Korean Willingness to travel (once per quarter to Germany, many travels in Southeast Asia) If you are interested in our opportunity, please send your resume in English to the responsible consultant in Taiwan Product-Management@apmc.vip We will handle your application confidentially. You will be personally informed when short-listed. Online Application jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('#iphorm-655152d9cc3b2').iPhorm({"id":17,"uniqueId":"655152d9cc3b2","useAjax":true,"successMessageTimeout":10,"resetFormValues":"","clElementIds":[],"clDependentElementIds":[],"centerFancybox":true,"centerFancyboxSpeed":true}); if ($.isFunction($.fn.qtip)) { $('.iphorm-tooltip-hover', iPhorm.instance.$form).qtip({ style: { classes: 'qtip-plain qtip-shadow' }, position: { my: 'left center', at: 'right center', viewport: $(window), adjust: { method: 'shift' } } }); $('.iphorm-tooltip-click', iPhorm.instance.$form).qtip({ style: { classes: 'qtip-plain qtip-shadow' }, position: { my: 'left center', at: 'right center', viewport: $(window), adjust: { method: 'shift' } }, show: { event: 'focus' }, hide: { event: 'unfocus' } }); $('.iphorm-tooltip-icon-hover', iPhorm.instance.$form).qtip({ style: { classes: 'qtip-plain qtip-shadow' }, position: { my: 'left center', at: 'right center', viewport: $(window), adjust: { method: 'shift' } }, content: { text: function (api) { return $(this).find('.iphorm-tooltip-icon-content').html(); } } }); $('.iphorm-tooltip-icon-click', iPhorm.instance.$form).qtip({ style: { classes: 'qtip-plain qtip-shadow' }, position: { my: 'left center', at: 'right center', viewport: $(window), adjust: { method: 'shift' } }, show: { event: 'click' }, hide: { event: 'unfocus' }, content: { text: function (api) { return $(this).find('.iphorm-tooltip-icon-content').html(); } } }); $('.iphorm-labels-inside > .iphorm-element-spacer > label').hover(function () { $(this).siblings('.iphorm-input-wrap').find('.iphorm-tooltip-hover').qtip('show'); }, function () { $(this).siblings('.iphorm-input-wrap').find('.iphorm-tooltip-hover').qtip('hide'); }); } if ($.isFunction($.fn.uniform)) { $('select, input:checkbox, input:radio', iPhorm.instance.$form).uniform({context: iPhorm.instance.$form, selectAutoWidth: false}); } if ($.isFunction($.fn.inFieldLabels)) { $('.iphorm-labels-inside:not(.iphorm-element-wrap-recaptcha) > .iphorm-element-spacer > label', iPhorm.instance.$form).inFieldLabels(); } $('.iphorm-group-row > div:last-child:not(:first-child)', iPhorm.instance.$form).add('.iphorm-group-row:last-child', iPhorm.instance.$form).addClass('last-child'); }); Family name* First name* E-mail address* The position you apply for* Available as from * Expected salary Please upload your CV* jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { if ($.isFunction($.fn.uniform)) { $('.iphorm_17_7-element-wrap input:file', iPhorm.instance.$form).not('.iphorm-upload-enhanced').uniform({ fileDefaultHtml: 'Keine Datei ausgewählt', fileButtonHtml: 'Datei auswählen ' }); } }); jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $('.iphorm_17_7-input-wrap', iPhorm.instance.$form).show(); }); Datei auswählen jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { iPhorm.instance.addUploader({ id: 7, name: 'iphorm_17_7', uniqueId: 'iphorm_17_7_655152d9cc3b2', allowedExtensions: ["jpg","jpeg","png","gif","pdf"], fileSizeLimit : 10485760, fileUploadLimit : 1 }); }); Maximum size 10MB, please add only PDF-files. Are you human?* Dieses Feld sollte nicht ausgefüllt werden Absenden Bitte warten jQuery('#iphorm-outer-655152d9cc3b2 script').remove(); Der Beitrag Head of Product Management Location Taiwan erschien zuerst auf Asia-Pacific Management Consulting GmbH.

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