How ALIAS records can reduce initial load times for your website

DNS is a core component of the internet. In this post we’ll briefly take a look at how it works and what the difference between CNAME and ALIAS records in Amazon Route53 are.

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How the Application Load Balancer works

Load Balancers are a key component in scalable and fault tolerant architectures. The basic idea is fairly simple, but the implementation involves a fair bit of complexity. In this post I‘ll explain the different components, how they interact, and how requ

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10 years and one month: speed up website hosting on AWS in four steps

There is no (milli)second chance for the first impression. Many websites today mess this up badly. When I need to wait 10 seconds for the content to load - I am out. What about you? I show you how to optimize the speed in four steps with S3, CloudFront an

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Building a static website with Hugo and the CDK

Building a static website with Hugo and the CDK If you ever wanted to host your personal website or blog on AWS this article is right for you. We’re going to build a static website with Hugo, CodeBuild and CodePipeline and host it using CloudFront a

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Welcome to our New Website

2018.05.01 It is quite some time we didn't change our website design. With the increasing films produced, we think it is the time for us to change the design and layout so it is easier for you to find the informations you needed. Hope you like our New Web

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Neue Website online gestellt

Die Website wurde völlig neu überarbeitet und insbesonders auch für Smartphones und Tablets optimiert (Responsive Design). Jetzt kann man von überall bequem und übersichtlich auf die Informationen zugreifen. Alle Informa

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