How to make life easier for a PVD operator: Why and how to monitor gas in vacuum

Monitoring gas in a vacuum chamber is important for several reasons: Identifying problems early before they affect the process and substrates. Predicting if a problem is likely to occur. Scheduling maintenance just in time. Analyzing the vacuum environment for process development. Scientifically speaking: Reaching an optimized base vacuum pressure: that limits the undesirable influence of nitrogen and oxygen on the properties of the desired coating, and that is reached in a short time. Detecting target poisoning by identifying an abrupt increase in the partial pressure of the reactive gas. To know if there is a leak in the chamber by monitoring the evolution of the partial pressures of gases after a set time period. Methods of monitoring At the same time measuring has to be easy and the measuring device reliable and working when needed (THE major problem with traditional methods, as we will see). Usable common devices and methods are: Pressure gauges QMS RGA (residual gas analyzer) Plasma emission monitoring (PEM) Remote-Plasma emission monitoring So what’s the best method? Talking about “best” is not easy as everyone has (at least slightly) different requirements and coating environments. One particular solution is GENCOA’s ‘OPTIX’ - we have conducted many interviews over the last few weeks with active users with the aim of understanding why these PVD operators decided to monitor gases (gas monitoring not being a standard yet in PVD) and why they chose the OPTIX in first place and what they think about it now. We will look into two major applications and experiences in the following sections. Plasma monitoring at a flat glass line 1 Detecting and measuring water contaminationThe wish for easy measurement and control of moisture is one main reason why PVD-users purchased the GENCOA OPTIX vacuum gas sensing device. We interviewed a bunch of them, all with either a Large Area Coater for architectural glass or with a Roll-to-Roll-coater. We wanted to know why they had chosen the OPTIX and how satisfied they are after using it for a while. This is what they answered in unison:“It is very easy to use and understand.” “It is extremely robust and maintenance free.” “It does not break down and is therefore, in contrary to an RGA, available when we need it.”All use the water contamination reading as a key parameter before starting their process. Additional advantage: Optix is more sensitive to water vapor than an RGA as it can detect very small quantities at low pressure. Some of the interviewees had used an RGA to measure water contamination, none of them would consider it again. 2 Trouble shooting Easy troubleshooting is the second main application and reason why PVD-operators we interviewed use remote-plasma emission monitoring like the OPTIX. Users stated that such a monitoring device makes it very easy and fast to monitor gases and to find and solve the problems many operators face in day to day operation: They use it to check the vacuum quality and compare to “good” production runs, to see if there is a difference in specific gas concentrations. The automated identification of gases and partial pressure readings make it easy to find and track contamination. For instance, a higher carbon signal could point to an organic contamination like oil or grease in the chamber. When Nitrogen or Oxygen are present at low pressures (

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