i-net PDFC - New Release 20.10

i-net PDFC - New Release 20.10 Berlin, Oct 28, 2020 i-net software proudly announces the release 20.10 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes and some new features. The table and multi column filter has been improved for better detection of tables and mutliple columns. Also web applications can now be installed as Progressive Web App.

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i-net PDFC - New Release 4.2

i-net PDFC - New Release 4.2 Berlin, Sep 27, 2017 We proudly present the release of i-net PDFC 4.2, our outstanding PDF comparison solution. It is the first release of i-net PDFC with support for Java 9. This release contains a new filter “

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i-net PDFC - New Release 5.1

i-net PDFC - New Release 5.1 Berlin, Dec 19, 2018 i-net software proudly announces the release 5.1 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes and some new features. It is the first release of i-net PDFC with embedded AdoptOpenJDK 11. For mor

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i-net PDFC - New Release 23.4

i-net PDFC - New Release 23.4 Berlin, Apr 27, 2023 i-net software proudly announces the release 23.4 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes and some new features like: Preview of new i-net PDFC Application is available. It will replace t

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i-net PDFC - New Release 6.1

i-net PDFC - New Release 6.1 Berlin, Jun 12, 2019 i-net software proudly announces the release 6.1 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes, some new features like the comparison of DOCX files and it supports cloud providers like AWS, Jelastic

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i-net PDFC - New Release 22.4

i-net PDFC - New Release 22.4 Berlin, Apr 28, 2022 i-net software proudly announces the release 22.4 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes and some new features like: The bundled AdoptOpenJDK 11 was updated to Eclipse Temurin 17.0.3.

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