i-net PDFC - New Release 3.0.263

i-net PDFC - New Release 3.0.263 Berlin, Mar 28, 2014 We proudly present the newest version 3.0 of the PDF content comparer i-net PDFC. In version 3 we added a lot of new features to the i-net PDFC GUI. It is now possible to save the comparison result in a PDF file using GUI, -p command line parameter and/or API. Also, this contains a number of bug fixes.

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i-net PDFC - New Release 4.2

i-net PDFC - New Release 4.2 Berlin, Sep 27, 2017 We proudly present the release of i-net PDFC 4.2, our outstanding PDF comparison solution. It is the first release of i-net PDFC with support for Java 9. This release contains a new filter “

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i-net PDFC - New Release 5.1

i-net PDFC - New Release 5.1 Berlin, Dec 19, 2018 i-net software proudly announces the release 5.1 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes and some new features. It is the first release of i-net PDFC with embedded AdoptOpenJDK 11. For mor

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i-net PDFC - New Release 23.4

i-net PDFC - New Release 23.4 Berlin, Apr 27, 2023 i-net software proudly announces the release 23.4 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes and some new features like: Preview of new i-net PDFC Application is available. It will replace t

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i-net PDFC - New Release 6.1

i-net PDFC - New Release 6.1 Berlin, Jun 12, 2019 i-net software proudly announces the release 6.1 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes, some new features like the comparison of DOCX files and it supports cloud providers like AWS, Jelastic

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i-net PDFC - New Release 22.4

i-net PDFC - New Release 22.4 Berlin, Apr 28, 2022 i-net software proudly announces the release 22.4 of i-net PDFC. This release contains bug fixes and some new features like: The bundled AdoptOpenJDK 11 was updated to Eclipse Temurin 17.0.3.

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