i-Portunus Scholarship

As of June 2021, I am a lucky recipient of the i-Portunus program, which allows me to collaborate with artists in other European countries. Through this grant, I have been given the opportunity to travel to France in several segments throughout the summer, rehearsing and recording for a new release with vibraphonist Franck Tortiller. Enclosed are a few impressions from my first days in Paris. The city has completely come back to life after the long lockdown and it almost seems like nothing has happened. This is somehow liberating and for me but still partly scary. I try not to think about it too much and enjoy the feeling of happiness that definitely prevails! With the luxurious opportunity to rehearse with time and be inspired by the city, many great new ideas definitely emerge!

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Work in Paris with the support of I-portunus

I am so very happy that I had the possibility to stay in Paris again to work on my music and to make plans for an upcoming album with Franck Tortiller. We already recorded some tunes and we go on during the next month. During my stays in Paris during th

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Arbeit in Paris mit der Unterstützung von I-portunus

Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich die Möglichkeit hatte, wieder in Paris zu bleiben, um an meiner Musik zu arbeiten und Pläne für ein kommendes Album mit Franck Tortiller zu machen. Wir haben bereits einige Stücke aufgenommen und arbeiten im Laufe des nächsten

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i-Portunus Stipendium

Ab Juni 2021 bin ich glückliche Stipendiatin des i-Portunus Programms, welches die Zusammenarbeit mit Künstler*innen im europäischen Ausland ermöglicht. Durch dieses Stipendium habe ich die Möglichkeit erhalten in mehreren Abschnitten den Sommer über imme

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Underrated Questions About College Essay Format You Need to Think About

What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About College Essay Format A excellent sample college essay isn't the simplest thing to discover on the web where anyone with a website and a keyboard can post something which purports to be a quality essay. Ensure you hav

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The way to create a worthy continue. About writing a continue

It is actually hard to overestimate the importance of a fantastic resume, particularly in this time, when the competitors in the labor industry is just away scope, and specialists conveniently change from a single sector to a further. The reason why it so

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