Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with KeyCloak

Welcome back to our series on implementing SAML Federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service. In our previous post, we explored setting up SAML Federation using OneLogin. Today, we’ll focus on another popular identity provider - Keycloak. Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management solution, ideal for modern applications and services. We’ll guide you through integrating Keycloak with Amazon OpenSearch Service to implement SAML Federation.

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Implementing SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Service with OneLogin.

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a fully-managed solution for interactive log analytics, real-time application monitoring, website search, observability, and more. With a vast customer base, Amazon OpenSearch Service manages hundreds of thousands of clusters

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Performance Boost: 10 Expert Tips for Optimizing Your Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster

By implementing these recommendations, you can maximize the potential of your Amazon OpenSearch Service domain, delivering an improved search experience while optimizing costs and maintaining security. Let’s explore these expert tips to supercharge

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Enhancing German Search in Amazon OpenSearch Service

Amazon OpenSearch Service, utilizing the robust OpenSearch framework, excels in search and analytics due to its remarkable speed and efficiency. Despite its strengths, the service’s default configurations might not be fully tailored to address the d

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Amazon AWS Services mit BETA Status

Folgende Amazon AWS Services werden von Amazon AWS mit dem Vermerk BETA gelistet … Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) Amazon DynamoDB Amazon AWS Elasticache Amazon CloudSearch Amazon SWF (Simple WorkFlow Service) Amazon SES (Simple Email Serv

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Serverless Swagger UI for AWS API Gateway

When implementing REST APIs in AWS there is one service that always comes to mind - Amazon API Gateway. Even though feature-rich, properly documenting your API may become a time-consuming task relatively quickly. In this post, I would like to show you how

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