Import existing resources into an AWS CloudFormation Stack

Presentation Deploying resources with infrastructure as code is the recommended way to provision resources in AWS. The native AWS-way of doing it is by using Cloudformation or CDK (Cloud Development Kit), and you should of course do this from day one. But in real world sometimes somebody provisioned resources via the console, or there is a need of refactor your code and split your stack into multiple stacks. Luckily It is not very often we have cases where it’s required to import resources.

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Velocity for complex CloudFormation templates

Cloudformation as a description language With AWS CloudFormation, (almost) all AWS service can be described in a configuration language. This enables scripting of AWS infrastructure. Thus, AWS resources are well documented. The templates can also be store

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Große Wolken - CloudFormation Makros

How to: CloudFormation Makro CloudFormation vermisst gegenüber Terraform einige Funktionen, die das Erstellen von Infrastruktur vereinfachen können. Das ist grundsätzlich korrekt, allerdings gibt es in CloudFormation die Möglichkeit, sich selber um den Ei

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Velocity für komplexe CloudFormation-Templates

Cloudformation als Beschreibungssprache Mit AWS CloudFormation lassen sich (fast) alle AWS Dienst in einer Konfigurationssprache beschreiben. Das ermöglicht Scripten von AWS-Infrastruktur. So sind die AWS Ressourcen gut dokumentiert. Die Templates können

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Bridging the terraform - CloudFormation gap

CloudFormation does not cover all AWS Resource types. Terraform does a better job in covering resource types just in time. So if you want to use a resource type which CloudFormation does not support yet, but you want to use CloudFormation, you have to bui

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10 Tipps für das Verwenden von Amazon AWS CloudFormation

Hier der Link zu einem PDF mit 10 kleinen Tipps im Umgang mit CloudFormation: 10 tips when using CloudFormation

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