In Motion

Colors get into motion. A painting on paper in portrait format 180 x 124 cm was reversed in 2023 to the landscape format "Upward dashing" 124 x 180 cm. One hundred children drew themselves in motion in a procession on four copper plates for a 4 m long relief on the city wall in Diemelstadt. Please have a look at the blog on my website. "The last beautiful prank was the art collection. Just this summer we signed that it will go as a foundation to the Stadtmuseum Berlin. There are fifty paintings and hundreds of prints. And not just East German artists, as people always like to say. Barbara Beisinghoff is there, Günter Grass and Günther Uecker." Gerhard Wolf in an interview with Cornelia Geißler for the Berliner Zeitung 2022. Gerhard Wolf passed away on February 7, 2023. In his last book Herzenssache, Memorial - Unvergessliche Begegnungen one chapter is called: Zu Motiven der Kunst Barbara Beisinghoffs. At his funeral on March 1, 2023, the poems of his friends floated on sunbeams above the Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof in Berlin. My etchings are on view at the 5th International Graphic Art Biennial at The Kaunas Picture Gallery, Lithuania, opening April 20, 2023. The Glass Dragonfly: Anette Aßmann will represent me at artGRAFIK Ahrenshoop, May 18-21, 2023. In the same period I show artist's books of my edition at the Minipressenmesse Mainz. From 6. 7. - 3. 9.2023 the House of Paper in Berlin invites you to the papier klang Festival. Here is a look into the remote to one of our Printmaking Artists in residence: Éloïse Plamondon-Pagé in Quebec. 2017, Éloïse spent a month printing in my etching workshop. She transformed the nature prints into large screenprints in a subsequent residency at the Banff Center of Arts and Creativity in Alberta, Canada. Printed on geotextile, they became a growing forest, a room-filling dreamlike installation entitled Chant.

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