Lambda Destinations can improve success- and error handling for asynchronous Lambda Functions

Lambda destinations enable you to respond to successful or failed asynchronous invocations in a way that wasn’t possible before the feature was added. I explain what this feature allows you to do and show you how to use it.

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Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki

In hybrid architectures, serverless functions work together with container solutions. Lambda logs have to be translated when you don`t choose CloudWatch Logs. The old way of doing this is through subscription filters using additional Lambda functions for

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Building Lambda with terraform

Building Lambda Functions with Terraform Introduction Many of us use Terraform to manage our infrastructure as code. As AWS users, Lambda functions tend to be an important part of our infrastructure and its automation. Deploying - and especially building

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The cuckoo egg testing lambda

Oh, there is an error in my Lambda function. But - what is the event JSON input which caused the error? Oh, I forgot to log the event in my Lambda code. Damned! It would be great to swap the code with a “just dump the event code” and slip it l

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Step functions and the source

Possibilities of using AWS Step Functions are widespread. Most times, filtering out the necessary content is done within Lambda Functions or other services. With this blog, I will show you how to prevent this within Lambda using in- and output filters in

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Enhance Lambda Security with new Amazon Inspector Vulnerability Management and prevent log4jgate

Detect the crack in the window (or the lambda library) before it breaks: As we have seen during the last month, also well known libraries like log4j can have previously unknown vulnerabilities. Therefore scanning your Lambda application before deploying i

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