Listen to Eels’ Garage-Rock Fueled ‘The Magic’

Eels just unveiled yet another track off their forthcoming fourteenth studio album. The eccentric rockers released “The Magic.” Following the galactic jaunt “Good Night On Earth” and the smooth cruise of “Steam Engine,” “The Magic” feels like older Eels—and maybe even ’90s Ween—but with gritty, yet charming garage rock passion. All of the tracks precede and are off Extreme Witchcraft.

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Eels share rousing new track ‘Amateur Hour’

Eels have shared a new single from their upcoming 14th studio album – listen to ‘Amateur Hour’ below. READ MORE: Eels on album ‘Earth To Dora’: “Dark phases happen, but they will get better” The band announ

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Eels – ‘Extreme Witchcraft’ album review: dispatches for current times

This time, the whole world is living the new Eels album. Generally, dispatches from LA’s most careworn alt-pop outfit have acted as windows on the turbulent, nose to the romantic grindstone life of Mark ‘E’ Everett – 2020’s &

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Das Garagentor: Schutz und attraktiver Blickfang für Ihre Garage

Eine Garage, die mit einem gut schließenden [Garagen-Tor-home] versehen ist, schützt Ihr Auto zuverlässig vor Diebstahl,  mutwilliger Beschädigung und natürlich vor allen Witterungs-Einflüssen. Da die Garage in vielen Fällen unmittelbar an das Haus anschl

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Carports: Die preiswerte Alternative zur Garage

Ein Carport unterscheidet sich von der Garage wohl in erster Linie durch ihre Bauart und den offenen Einfahrtsbereich. Durch seine ansprechende, halboffene Konstruktion ist ein Carport stets gut belüftet – aus diesem Grunde ist sichergestellt, dass die Ka

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Watch Vince Staples’ Surrealist Video for ‘Magic’

Long Beach rapper Vince Staples debuted the video for the first single, “Magic,amp;rdquo; off his forthcoming album, Ramona Park Broke My Heart.   The “Magic” video was filmed by Prettybird directing duo Kenten from a surrealist pe

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