Looking back on the past season

Sheesh. Just thinking about what has happened since I last published a blog post here makes my head go round. First of all I want to thank all my awesome couples who let me document their big day all over Germany and Switzerland. I really had a blast capturing all those emotional and intimate moments (Jeez all those tears!) and awesome parties for you.. If you listen carefully, maybe you can still hear the people dancing! Back in May I even had the pleasure to second shoot for one of my favourite wedding videographers of all time the one and only Mr. Philip White. Thanks again for all the fun (and of course the drinks) we had, mate! Cant wait for the next adventure with you! Talking about adventures.. we (the missus and I) decided that it was time to say our farewells to Hamburg and northern Germany in general. Sooo we moved again. To another country. It was a close race between Spain (Mallorca) and Austria but finally Austria won and we moved back to ye olde country of my dear Paola. Even though we most probably wouldve loved the life on the countryside with our friends there, too, Vienna is also treating us reeeaally nicely and I cant wait to shoot some weddings here next year! So.. if youre still looking for a wedding videographer (be it in Austria, Germany or somewhere else in the world) hit me up! And should you need more reasons to book me: here are some highlights of the past year or so.. Josephine Christophers luxury Castle Wedding in Lübbenau, Germany Gioia Jans beautiful Mountain Wedding in Lenzerheide, Switzerland Lisa Chris super emotional and spiritual wedding near Hamburg, Germany and heres the wedding party to end all wedding parties, that Ive seen so far: Ela Cagdas International Wedding in Lübeck, Germany The post Looking back on the past season first appeared on Alper Tunc Films.

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