Meet ActiveTrail’s newsletter editor improve your e-mail campaign!

ActiveBuilder simplifies the task of building a campaign. You can build sophisticated and compelling campaigns without any technical knowledge. Simply add images and texts and the system will do the rest for you. L’article Meet ActiveTrail’s newsletter editor improve your e-mail campaign! est apparu en premier sur ActiveTrail Email Marketing.

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Advanced image editor

Our image editor is integrated into the campaign editor, and allows seamless editing of images from the ActiveBuilder. You can crop images, fix red eyes, re-scale and more. L’article Advanced image editor est apparu en premier sur ActiveTrail Email Market

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Integration with PayPal for quick purchasing

Waiting for you in ActiveTrail's editor is the option of integration with PayPal, for quick, convenient payment directly from an email campaign or a landing page, without going through the shop! L’article Integration with PayPal for quick purchasing est a

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RESTful API – Integration made simple

ActiveTrail has begun to work with RESTful API technology, a flexible API that's user-intuitive and innovative! L’article RESTful API – Integration made simple est apparu en premier sur ActiveTrail Email Marketing.

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So erstellst du deine erste Newsletter-Mail in 10 Schritten mit CleverReach

Nach den vielen Newsletter-Vorbereitungen schreiten wir heute zur Tat und erstellen die erste Newsletter-Mail in CleverReach. Ich werde dir Schritt für Schritt zeigen, wie du deinen erste Newsletter-Mail erstellst und dabei auf die einzelnen Funktionen un

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Newsletter online

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