The launch of the next version Flight Chair is coming soon. As a way of saying thank you for supporting us over the years we are giving away a brand-new flight chair MFC-4 DESERT FALCON + CHAIR MOUNT SET WITH MOUSE EXTENSIONS to one lucky winner. And this is the full-blown version with the caster and rotation brake. This means that the chair can be set in a fixed position for optimal pedal use. The MFC-4 is made of military-spec CORDURA® 1000D advanced fabric. Now let’s get to the rules and specifics of the contest: It’s simple just upload a picture of your flight sim setup in the #MFC-4 CONTEST channel on our MONSTERFOUNDRY Discord. (It does not have to be a crazy sim pit or anything special, just your daily flight setup.) And you will be entered into the contest for a random drawing on September 22nd, 2021. The contest will start on September 1st, 2021, and end on September 15th, 2021. And don’t worry if you are not a member you can join today and enter the contest, here is the link below! So what are you waiting for, get over to the discord and upload your pics today. Der Beitrag MFC-4 FLIGHT CHAIR CONTEST erschien zuerst auf MTSIM – MONSTERTECH.

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