MFD/Tablet Mount Center v2 Released

We introduced the Center MFD mounts for our desk mounts last year but they were not quite perfect. Sometimes it takes a second try to get a product up to the quality where it is supposed to be. So we just released a new version of the center mounts, now with angle adjustment and a lot more attachment possibilities. Take a look. Some of those will be available soon. Heres a direct link to our MFD/Tablet Mount Center v2. Ah yes and MFD mounts for the Chair Mounts are also in the works. Although it is a bit more tricky to get right. Olsen Der Beitrag MFD/Tablet Mount Center v2 Released erschien zuerst auf MTSIM – MONSTERTECH.

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Chair Mount Center Sneak Peek

Sometimes the smaller things require the most work and take the longest. Since we released the first version of the Joystick / HOTAS Chair Mounts in 2018, we have been planning to add a center mount. As you may imagine, mounting a center joystick on an

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Rail Mounts sliding in

Another option to attach your joysticks and throttles to your desk just released. The Rail Mount System. And its probably the most fun of them all. Just slide your joystick out of the way if you dont need it and slide it back into position in a second.

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VPC Collective Mounts

Hey guys, most of you have probably seen that VIRPIL has recently made an awesome new collective for helicopter pilots. And of course we had to make it compatible with MONSTERTECH gear! We are now launching the Collective Mount VPC Rotor. Seamlessly adjus

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medicalORDER Center Ahlen und aequitixx: 1.000.000 digitale Rechnungen

Die gute langjährige Zusammenarbeit der aequitixx mit dem medicalORDER Center Ahlen ist jetzt auch durch eine beeindruckende Zahl dokumentiert: Am 07.03. dieses Jahres wurde die Millionengrenze der gemeinsam bearbeiteten Rechnungen „geknackt“. Grund genug

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Öffnungszeiten Service-Center im Mai

Vom 30.5. bis 3.6. ist unser Service-Center nur vormittags von 9-12 Uhr erreichbar. Bitte nutzen Sie unser Kontaktformular oder sprechen Sie auf den Anrufbeantworter. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

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