Migrate to Hugo from Jekyll

Move static content to static Jekyll has a rule that any directory not starting with _ will be copied as-is to the _site output. Hugo keeps all static content under static. You should therefore move it all there. With Jekyll, something that looked like ▾ <root>/ ▾ images/ logo.png should become ▾ <root>/ ▾ static/ ▾ images/ logo.png Additionally, you’ll want any files that should reside at the root (such as CNAME) to be moved to static.

  • Netz: bonholt
  • Aktualisiert: 4.7.2024
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Getting Started with Hugo

Step 1. Install Hugo Goto hugo releases and download the appropriate version for your os and architecture. Save it somewhere specific as we will be using it in the next step. More complete instructions are available at installing hugo Step 2. Build the Do

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Internal Information juwelier-nowak-muenchen.de @ bitbucket Websiten Generator HUGO Webseiten Generator HUGO Templates Introduction to Hugo Templating Hugo Standard-Variablen Font Color Template: Ananke HUGO Template Ananke Ananke (GIT) Ananke (Issues) Is

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Creating a New Theme

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