Mix It Challenge . . . the only 3 Watercolors you will ever need

One of the Questions I hear so so often is Which Skincolor do you use? or Which Watercolor Colors do I need? . . . and to be honest . . . it is so hard to give an Answer here because it really depends . . . if you want the convenient Solution and have some spare Money to spend on Art Supplies then I could recomment some of my favourite Pallettes / Brands / Colors (like the Prima Marketing / Art Philosophy Complexion, Woodlands, Decadent Pies, Vintage Pastels or in general Daniel Smith Watercolors). Those are wonderful, amazing Sets and Pre-Mixed Colors and of course it is super easy and convenient to just grab them and you are ready to go . . . however . . . if you ask which Colors you really NEED . . . then my answer would be very simple: 3 Colors . . . a Red, a Yellow and a Blue . . . that is actually all you need. I talked a lot about this and about Mixing Skincolors in my new Online Class FACEcinating Girls Around the World, where I teach how to create 7 different Girls with different Ethnicities / different Skincolors from very pale to dark brown . . . and while I recorded those Videos for the Class I really liked the Idea of creating a couple of Pieces in the future ONLY using those 3 Primary Colors and mixing all Colors that I want / need myself. Because let us face it . . . I am an Art Supply Junkie and I am totally guilty myself of purchasing / owning every new Pallette that is available out there just because -look how pretty!- . . . but you learn so much when limiting yourself to only working with those 3 Primary colors and mixing all the Colors you want / need yourself . . . it is leaning by doing . . . if you ask me, the best Way of learning. You learn a lot about which Colors to mix to achive a certain Color, about the different Mixing Rations, about the amount of Water to add for a certain Look . . . and it is just so much fun. Long Story Short . . . I just created my first Piece for this little Challenge . . . a cute little whimsical Spring Girl, and I would like to share a Video of the Process with you. I hope it will inspire you and maybe you want to give it a try yourself . . . if you do and share it on Social Media, make sure to tag me on Instagram using the Hashtag Cre8tiveCre8tions because I would LOVE to take a Look. And now . . . enjoy the Video . . . .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

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