Nein, nicht alle Schlösser sind gleich

You may think that all locks are the same, but they aren’t. And no one knows this better than professional burglars. That’s why making sure you choose only high quality locks to protect your personal items is of utmost importance.  #xD; Having a blog on your website is a way to increase engagement with your website visitors. Once you get the hang of it, blogging can also be a productive break from your regular routine. Here are the top 4 reasons for having a blog on your website. There are, of course, many more reasons why blogging is great. We’re just saving those for an upcoming post. 1. Blogs help drive traffic to your site. Regardless of what your site is all about, you surely want people to visit it. After all, that’s why you spent so much time building it. When you enrich your site with a blog, you add additional dimension to the blog, a place that you can update regularly and keep in contact with your visitors. Having a blog also increases the number of indexed pages in your site. Every blog you add brings another indexed page to the site. The more pages you have, the more opportunities there are that your website will show up in search engines. 2. Blogs help convert traffic into leads. If you convince people that they need your product or service through your blog, you’ll be transforming that fantastic traffic you brought (see above) into potential customers. You could use your blog to promote webinars, distribute ebooks & white papers or invite people to answer a survey. At the end of the day, your blog can ensure that visitors get value for their visit. 3. You establish authority. When people read what you’ve written, they gain confidence in you and your product. You may be able to answer pressing questions about your product or ease worries that are related to your industry. Regardless of what you convey in your blog, if you do it in a professional manner, you’ll increase your customers’ respect and trust. 4. Good in the long run. Writing a blog today is an easy way of investing in your future. Because nothing looks as good as a successful blog that has been operating for several months or years. Your blog is there to stay, so while you may be eagerly awaiting comments related to your most recent blog, your next potential customer may actually be wooed by reading a blog you wrote three months previously. 

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