Just outside the city of Arendal, there s an island called Trom y. Isolated and remote, the island used to be accessible only by boat, and during the heavy Norwegian winter season, you had to walk or ski across the ice. With no road connection to the mainland, delivering goods to Trom y was a logistical nightmare. The Mayor of Trom y, envisioned in 1938 a plan to build a bridge over the fjord from... Source

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Apple Watch Series 9

Im September 2023 bin ich von der Apple Watch Series 7 auf die Series 9 gewechselt. Zwei Jahre waren um und in der Regel steht dann für mich ein Wechsel an. Entschieden habe ich mich weiterlesen Apple Watch Series 9 Der Beitrag Apple Watch Series 9 ersc

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Apple Watch Series 7

Seit 2015 trage ich eine Apple Watch. Angefangen hatte es mit der ersten Version in Silber, 2017 kam die Series 3 42mm in Space Grau, 2019 die Series 5 44mm in Space Grau und weiterlesen Apple Watch Series 7 Der Beitrag Apple Watch Series 7 erschien zuer

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After a two-year development period we proudly present the new subwoofers in the 1723 Series. Improving what were already market leading products was not an easy task to tackle. Our statement series offers an exceptional balance between perfect music repr

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Early 2016, we introduced the very first speaker series from Arendal Sound called 1723 Series. Since day one, we have sold thousands of Arendal Sound speakers and the feedback is overwhelming from customers and reviewers. It s been an exciting year for us

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Die neue Apple Watch Series 9 (Features-Video)

Apple Watch Series 9. Smarter. Heller. Power. Unser bisher leistungs­stärkster Chip in der Apple Watch. Eine magische neue Art, deine Watch zu benutzen, ohne sie zu berühren. Ein Display, das doppelt so hell ist. Und jetzt kannst du eine CO₂ neutrale Komb

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