New jury chair for Silmo dOr

Alexis Mabille is the chairman of the jury for the Silmo dOr Awards 2024. He shares his design expertise and creative vision with the members of the jury and says: Eyewear should emphasise the character of the wearer and be functional and durable at the same time. Silmo dOr 2024: Alexis Mabille chairs the jury (© Silmo) Alexis Mabille, originally from Lyon, has been passionate about fashion from a young age. He graduated from the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture Parisienne in 1997 before working in the major Parisian fashion houses. In 2005, he founded his eponymous brand with the aim of combining clothing tradition, a certain sex appeal and the energy of our times. Mabille turns codes on their head, twists silhouettes and mixes eras. He cultivates a playful spirit to create a carefree and elegant wardrobe. He has revitalised the bow tie and even made it his icon. He then developed collections for men and women, accessories and customisation. He has been on the official haute couture calendar since 2021. Creative vision for Silmo dOr The designer, who is passionate about many different artistic disciplines, could not be satisfied with just clothing. He quickly turned to other creative fields, including interior design with his studio Beau Bow. He brings his vision of interior design to private homes, restaurants and other entertainment venues (he recently designed the new interior of the Lido in Paris). Since 2021, he has even been creating limited edition furniture. For Alexis Mabille, a persons entire environment is an essential component that influences their well-being. Just as a silhouette should emphasise the body while being comfortable, and just as the furnishings of a room should express the personality of its wearer while being adapted to their lifestyle, eyewear should emphasise the character of its wearer while being functional and durable. By sharing his design expertise and creative vision with the members of the jury, he provides valuable insight into an everyday object that only needs to be enhanced by a shape, material or innovation. Source: Silmo

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