New Work - New Risk?!

Befeuert durch die Corona-Krise und nicht zuletzt aufgrund des Fachkräftemangels sind Unternehmen zunehmend gehalten, ihren Arbeitnehmern flexible Arbeitszeiten und -orte zu ermöglichen. Auch wenn es keinen gesetzlichen Anspruch auf Genehmigung einer Art der „Auslandsarbeit“ für Arbeitnehmer gibt, ist sie inzwischen weit verbreitet - Homeoffice und Workation sind in der Arbeitswelt fest etabliert. Aus steuerlicher Sicht sollte der Arbeitgeber jedoch einige Spielregeln beachten – insbesondere, wenn der Arbeitnehmer im Ausland tätig wird.

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Three hurdles to skip before using the secure Instance Metadata Service V2

Do not use new Instance Metadata Service V2 (imdsv2) without proper prevention! You may think you can use Instance Metadata Service V2 right away, but there are a few caveats: Many old modules do not work with imdsv2 yet. We look at aws cli, the Systems M

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Having fun @work: AWS GameDay

Joining an AWS Training allows you to learn new things for your daily work. Attending a training commonly happens in groups of up to 13 people and has more of a frontal teaching character. An alternative event are workshops are more practical and done in

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Build Golden AMIs with Packer and AWS CodePipeline

When leveraging AWS services such as EC2, ECS, or EKS, achieving standardized and automated image creation and configuration is essential for securely managing workloads at scale. The concept of a Golden AMI is often used in this context. Golden AMIs repr

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Sneaky Injections - CloudFormation

During one of our recent AWS Security Reviews, I ran across an interesting technique that attackers can use to create a backdoor in AWS accounts. It works by using three S3 IAM actions, CloudFormation, and an administrator who is not careful enough. This

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Defenders - caller based EC2 security with CDK

Defenders: Caller based EC2 security The risk with security credentials is that they get exposed an are being used elsewhere. What if we could prevent that the are being used elsewhere. The idea from the article of William Bengston from netflix was: Dynam

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